When Sarkin make Observation checks, they may factor in their sonar. This means they can sense in the dark, around corners, and through walls.
Sark Wisdom
The Sarkin gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Wisdom.
A Sarkin may glide after each jump they make. This means they do not need to make an Acrobatics roll at the bottom of any jump in which they have specified they are gliding.
Hindered Sight
Sarkin have extremely poor sight and in occasions when the check explicitly needs the ability to “see” the target, they receive a -2 debuff.
Sarkins get a -2 difficulty to Climbing checks.
The Sarkin are an under-dwelling race that have very little to no interaction with the rest of the world, living in a cave complex called Brak spanning the Lazvarian continent. They are bat-like humanoids, standing just shorter than the average human and possessing extremely heightened senses. They long ago lost their ability to fly, their close evolutionary cousins, The Yu, still retaining this trait. The Sarkin are one of the four species of Pure Ascension.
The Sarkin society itself is completely united and, to the knowledge of Sarkin historians has experienced little to no inner conflict in their entire history. They are a proud, articulate, and meticulous race however, known for being very specific about their informational and societal sources when dealing with things of importance. They have achieved blackpowder and steam technology, although they are extremely protective of this knowledge and safeguard it as a secret so that other species do not attain awareness of it and therefore misuse it.
Their society has no hierarchy, all decisions being made by direct democratic will. All leaders are delegated and may be recalled at any time, and their economy is one where goods are distributed to those in need and production is determined by ability. Sarkin society has almost no crime to speak of and rehabilitation is seen as paramount for those who pursue criminal acts. The Sarkin are much less likely to consider themselves as being defined by their birth family and are much more likely to see all fellow Sarkin as their brothers and sisters. There is no gender power imbalance and almost no sexual dimorphism to speak of.
However, Sarkin are usually received with fear in other societies. There is less racism against them, only because many are too fearful to enact it. But this should not be said that there is none. Sarkese racist attacks are still quite common in smaller cities.
Lifespan: 5-75 years
Height: 4'-5'10"
Homeland: Brak
Language: Sarkese
Statistic Minimums:
STR: 3
AGI: 6
CON: 4
INT: 6
WIS: 4
CHA: 2
MAG: 1
Health Calculation:
Head: CON + 2 for slight. (CON * 2) + 4 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Chest: CON * 2 + STR for slight. CON * 4 + STR for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Arms: (CON + STR) - 3 for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 - 6 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Legs: CON + STR for slight. (CON+STR) * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.