The Utwesh gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Agility.
-2 difficulty to all Stealth checks.
Nimble Retreat
-2 difficulty to all Flee checks.
Utwesh get plus one to their AGI cap at character creation.
The Utwesh are an offshoot of the Ethakkra, who separated from their society long ago, due to political disputes. While the Ethakkra wished to usher in an age of hierarchy and economic domination, the Utwesh valued equality and ecological sustainability. The civil war lasted from the time this split took place, long after the exodus of the Utwesh into southern and eastern Faydorn took place. The Ethakkra, unwilling to accept that they should lose dominance over a sect of their own people, tried to pursue the Utwesh for a long while. However, through guerrilla resistance and guile, the Utwesh claimed their homelands for good. It has now been over a hundred years since their war.
The Utwesh now live in loose communes, where all decisions are made informally and when production cannot be determined by need, bartering is the standard. The Utwesh are very concerned with environmental respect and value spirituality, communion with nature, and eternal cycles. The Utwesh sometimes cooperate with the Famulus who have occupied the pioneering lands at the southern tip of Faydorn.
Lifespan: 35-195 years
Height: 4'1"-5'7"
Homeland: U'tweshpin
Language: Hut'Rial
Statistic Minimums:
STR: 5
AGI: 4
CON: 4
INT: 6
WIS: 1
CHA: 4
MAG: 1
Health Calculation:
Head: CON * 2 for slight. CON * 3 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Chest: CON * 2 + STR for slight. CON * 4 + STR for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Arms: CON + STR for slight. (CON+STR) * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Legs: (CON + STR) - 2 for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 - 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.