Nyra: The Dark Age
Understanding Nyra
How Nyra Is Played
Skill Checks
Nyra is a d10 system in which a player is required to roll under their skill in order to achieve ...
Difficulty Thresholds
One of the fundamental mechanics of Nyra is the concept of difficulty thresholds. Depending on th...
When a character fails a check (so long as it was not a critical failure), they will often have s...
Hard Caps and Soft Caps
In Nyra there are hard caps and soft caps on skills. For example, there is a soft cap on every sk...
History of Nyra
World History at a Glance
50,000 Ponderan society 20,000 Famulus are bred 15,000 Above-ground Sarkin society 5000 ...
Ponderan History
50,000 - The earliest primitive Ponderan societies, although they favored different elements base...
Kaze History
-The Kaze arise in the Dead Flats and flee the horror by living in the mountains -Over many gene...
Sarkin History
15,000 -The Sarkin arise in what is now called the Zerus Treescape as a highly communal and soci...
Ethakkra History
-Ethak Melius, angered that foolish Utwesh society has allowed the Temple of Twilodon to be taken...
Human History
3500 Humans are settled through the Great Project. Only the very first generation have any memor...
Kalnis History
-The Kalniss begin being interbred by the exiled Famulus and the Humans on the Lazvarian continen...
Utwesh History
4500 The early Utwesh society was based on worship of nature and life, although clans formed, th...
Famulus History
-The Famulus spend many millennia as slaves to the Ponderan. -The Famulus become too numerous an...
Combat Mechanics
Combat in Nyra is built for a balance of realism and very powerful late game characters. Without...
Combat Phases
In general, there are two distinct parts of battle in Nyra: Stealth Initiation and Combat. Stealt...
Each character in combat has a statistic called Sequence. Sequence is how quickly a character r...
Your physical delay pool is a quantity of points which you may spend in order to carry out action...
Basic Combat
The combat of Nyra can vary in complexity by a large degree. All of the classes have different ...
Damage, Wounding, and Death
Damage Philosophy The damage philosophy of Nyra has to do with the difference between variable...
Wounding and Death
For every species damage calculations will vary, however some things remain constant. Entering Se...
Status Effects
Some attacks, spells, and skills may affect dangerous status changes. The base physical status e...
Lycanthropy Type: Virus Duration: Lifetime Once contracted, the infected will progress through...
Philosophy of Magic
The world of Nyra and the motivations of the larger machinations can be hard to fully internalize...
The Gods and Their Games
The gods of Nyra, although worshipped, are nothing to be admired to any neutral observer. Each Go...
Magic in Nyra can be understood as almost a scientific phenomena. Although it is true that it def...
The Soul
In Nyra, every being has a soul. This is not to say that every soul is created equal. Indeed, the...
Ascension and Godhead
But if there is a soul, what is death? And what happens after one dies? The answer is quite grisl...
Magical Philosophy
Between the different magical phases, the worldviews of their adherents can change drastically. I...
Magic Mechanics
This part of the guide will be speaking about the various aspects of magic and how it is used in ...
The Phases and Domain Changes
Since phase changes are not only common, but descriptive of the world of Nyra, it is important ...
Ascension and its Repercussions
Progressing as a mage is predicated on three main requisites: MAG primary, magic skill, and att...
Casting Spells
In order for a mage to cast their spell, first they must observe in the spell listing what type o...
Character Creation
In order to make every character a unique experience, classes have been created which encapsulate...
Life of Warfare +1 to Sequence at character creation, not to exceed the maximum. Combat Refle...
Contact The Savant may make a roll to create a contact at GM discretion. In order to determin...
Pugilism Has access to new unarmed skills. These can be used as if they were Combat Skills for...
Sureshot If an enemy is unaware of the Hunter and are in long range, the player may do an aim...
Surestrike If an enemy is unaware of the Rogue, the player may do an aimed strike on that targ...
Arkhan's Gift +1 to MAG without accruing any penalties at character creation. Magic Magic...
Sub-classes represent the different categories and styles of each class. Some are approaches to ...
Assassin: Small Blades, Stealth Poisoner: Profession (Alchemy), Small Blades Thief: Pickpocke...
Ranger: Archery, Swords Survivalist: Navigation, Tracking Bowman: Profession (Fletchery), Arc...
Diplomat: Persuasion, Leadership Dictator: Leadership, Intimidation Teacher: Instruction, Lo...
Transfigurist: Attunement (Solid), Magic (Solid) Fluxus: Attunement (Liquid), Magic (Liquid) ...
Martial Artist: Unarmed (Strikes), Unarmed (Grapples) Monk: Clubs, Unarmed (Strikes) Grapple...
Stonewall: Defense, Willpower Smith: Profession (Blacksmith), Bargain Soldier: Profession (S...
Following are the various species and sub-species which are allowed to be played:
Tenacity For purposes of calculating skill point gain from critical success and critical fail...
Sonar When Sarkin make Observation checks, they may factor in their sonar. This means they can...
Charismatic Peoples The Ethakkra gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain...
Agile The Utwesh gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and...
Flying The Kaze can fly of their own volition. They make flight checks just as if they were mo...
Grit When the Kalnis is rolling a test against a target, the Kalnis wins all tie rolls. Does n...
Massive Famulus are Large size category and have superior health calculations. Mighty Famul...
Mageblood Ponderans have an innate communion with the magic stream. They get + 1 MAG at charac...
Primary Statistics
Primary statistics are one of the most important defining features of any character. Each primary...
Strength is the rating which measures your character's strength in conventional physical applicat...
Agility judges the dexterity, movement ability, flexibility, and overall ability to control one's...
Constitution controls one's ability to bear pain, to deal with physical stimuli, to stay consciou...
Minor Statistics
Sequence - This skill judges the quickness with which a character will act when battle begins. I...
Magic represents both how much magic is in the user's blood stream, and how well he is able to fo...
Charisma is not only how attractive the character is, but also how charming and good with people ...
Intelligence is the player's raw mental power. That which they use to solve problems, to learn a...
Wisdom is a given person's education, knowledge, and overall instinct. Wisdom calculates in a ra...
54c. Skill Cost Tables
The following table shows the skill point cost for each individual skill rank: Skill R...
54a. Skills and Skill Perks
Below, for those who may be curious to the specific description of each skill is a brief coverage...
Lores and Languages
Lore Lore represents one's knowledge in an area of Nyra, usually gained from experience or inten...
Known as: Noxai, Harbinger, Darkism Tier 1 Can now use: Infravision Spell Type: Sustained...
Known as: Infernai, Firestarter Tier 1 Sense Infernai Spell Type: Innate Casting Range: 1...
Known as: Ventusari, Galecaster Tier 1 Sense Ventusari Spell Type: Innate Delay: 1 Casti...
Known as: Fluxus, Aquamancer, Defiler, Liquidus Tier 1 Sense Liquid Spell Type: Innate ...
Known as: Transfigurist, Geomancer, Shapeshifter, Druid Tier 1 Sense Transfigurist Spel...
Known as: Orderist, Onim, Follower of One Tier 1 Neutral Sight Spell Type: Innate Casting...
The different professions have a unique role in crafting character progress in Nyra. From learni...
Alchemy is the understanding of how to mix various chemicals and plants in order to make workable...
Blacksmithing is the governing skill of Armor and Weapon smithing, is the general knowledge of th...
The cooks of the world are valued in every culture and every rung of society; especially in pla...
The engineer is not a common profession to those of Nyra. To most races the only engineers tha...
Those who practice this profession have a collection of skills that are all suited to the task of...
The outdoorsman is the master of the wild, able to fashion shelter and make various implements, b...
Upon every battle field and in every city there are those who are repairing either their own woun...
A creator is one whose life is devoted to the arts of theater and music, as well as the creation ...
General Items
The following section is meant to record a list of items that are likely to occur in Nyra. This l...
Miscellaneous Items
Chemicals Bestel Poison Effects: Every turn that Bestel poison is not purged from the body of...
Containers Barrell Uses: A container that holds two hundred doses for Profession (Alchemy)....
Alcohol Effect: Each dose the target consumes progresses one further through the following l...
Kudrun Wood Uses: Can be used as kindling. Can be used to make Stave for Profession (Fletcher). ...
Stone Use: Can be used as a projectile for slings. Price: 0 denar Stone Chunk Use: Can be b...
Linen Use: Can be used to make Light category armor. Price: 4 denar Wool Use: Can be used t...
Creature Materials
Raw Meat Use: Cannot be eaten. Ingredient in cooking. Can be made into Meat with Profession (Che...
There are a variety of simple (and complex) machines which are either operated and steered or fun...
Weapons and Armor
Basic Weapons and Shields
Introduction The following document is a record of all of the basic, unmodified versions of ...
Unique Weapons and Shields
Introduction This section is a bank of special weapons and shields. Some are legendary items, so...
Introduction Here is the rubric for armor pieces in the following section. Armor Name ...
Traits and Flaws
Traits Traits represent useful abilities that a weapon, armor, or item has. There are two di...
Feats represent extremely potent abilities that the character may have picked up; things that wou...
Character Progression
In Nyra, there are many ways for your character to develop. Through acquisition of skill points, ...
Even though the different crafting skills in Nyra differ greatly and the materials they value in ...
Crafting Steps
62a. Crafting Even though the different crafting skills in Nyra differ greatly and the materia...
Crafting Components (Old)
62b. Crafting Components The many professions of Nyra require an exotic variety of materials i...
Crafting Components (Check)
Bestel Flower Alchemist: Used in making Bestel. Blackpowder Engineer: Used in making Blackpo...
The many habitats of Nyra are filled with a gamut of different plant life, fungi, and other flora...
Life in Nyra has adapted to the brutal conditions of the universe, developing bizarre coping mech...
GM Guide
The intended purpose of this section is to provide guidance to GMs attempting to learn and play N...
Gods and Daemons
Name Element: Order, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, Chaos Attracted By: Background: A general des...
In this document, a comprehensive list of settlements has been created, including their culture, ...
Regions, Encounters, and Ecosystems
This document should be used in conjunction with 98b. Creatures and 100b. Nyra Map (Region Labels...
Religions, Cults, and Philosophies
#Template# Description. Rubric: Name: Demonym: Holy text: Tenets: Central Figure(s):
Name: Ygthak Demonym: Noxai Holy text: The Chao Tenets: Those who profess Ygthak are those who...
Name: Orderism Demonym: Orderist Holy text: The Book of Alignment Tenets: The Orderists are a ...
Name: Ruckism Demonym: Ruckite Holy text: Chants of the Burnt Remains Tenets: Ruck the Burned ...
Name: Oriaca Demonym: Orionists Holy text: The Uru Tenets: Oriaca is a religion which believes...
Name: Druidism Demonym: Holy text: Tenets: Central Figure(s): Name: Conservatives Demon...
Name: Onwei Demonym: Onwa Holy text: Convergence of Vulin Tenets: The worshippers of Onwei bel...
Name: Solism Demonym: Solist Holy text: The Uru Tenets: Solism is a religion which centers its...
Months, Seasons, and Celebrations
Below are the months that are used among most conscious species of Nyra. First created by the Kaz...
Holy Books
This section is meant to catalogue the various legendary figures who have lived in Nyra, both her...
Combat NPC List
Name Type: Humanoid Size: Small, Medium, Large Use-Case: The strengths and weaknesses of this ...