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Known as: Orderist, Onim, Follower of One

Tier 1

Neutral Sight

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: Self

This spell modifies the vision of the caster.

1: The caster can now see in darkness.

3: The caster can now see in any light level.

5: The caster is now immune to blinds.

Sense Magic

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100 feet 

This spell allows the caster to sense magic in the area. This includes other mages of all elements.

1: Caster can sense magic when they are in physical contact with it, but cannot determine its element.

3: Caster can sense magic when it is perceived, but must roll observation.

5: Caster can now sense what element the magic is.

7: The spell is now innate.

Tier 2


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 10 feet

The Orderist emits a faint glow from their body.

4: The light now illuminates 20ft around the caster

6: The light now illuminates 30ft around the caster

8: The light now illuminates 40ft around the caster

10: The light now illuminates 60ft around the caster

12: The light now illuminates 80ft around the caster

14: The light now illuminates 1000ft around the caster

Guiding Light

Spell Type: Sustained 

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100 feet

A beam of light about the width of the caster's hand, outstretched is cast forth.  It cuts indiscriminately through darkness and lights the way with its brightness.

Tier 3

Blinding Light

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100 feet

The Orderist summons forth a burst of light which disorients and blinds targets who perceive it.

3: Any targets perceiving the burst of light are blinded for one turn.

5: Any targets perceiving the burst of light are blinded for two turns.

7: Any targets perceiving the burst of light are blinded for two turns. Delay is now 2.

9: Any targets perceiving the burst of light are blinded for three turns.

11: Any targets perceiving the burst of light are blinded for three turns. Delay is now 1.

13: Any targets perceiving the burst of light are blinded for four turns.

Recall Reflection

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: Sight

The Orderist is, in many ways, a detective of sorts, tracking down the many processes and events that shape the flows of the world so that he may craft them and nudge them into the ways of balance.  Of the many ways he may investigate these events, is the ability to recall the stored light signatures of reflective surfaces of all kinds.  When Recall Reflection is cast, the Orderist gains an instant and controllable feed of all things the reflective surface has ever seen as if the said events were playing out before him.  He may rewind or fast-forward the feed at his desire.  To all else who are not controlling the recollection in the surface, nothing happens to the images; they are only presented to the Orderist.

3: A stored memory of 1 hour may be recalled and replayed

5: A stored memory of 1 day may be recalled and replayed

7: A stored memory of 1 week may be recalled and replayed

9: A stored memory of 1 month may be recalled and replayed

11: A stored memory of 1 year may be recalled and replayed

13: The stored memory of the reflective surface's entire lifetime may be recalled at the caster's whim.


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: Variable

Casting Range: 20 feet

A laser projectile fires forth from the caster, eviscerating a random body part. The Orderist may ramp up the intensity of the laser by choosing to use more delay in casting it. For every delay the caster spends, they deal one more damage dice and add more range. Dodge check for the target is + 1 difficulty. 

3: Each delay gives Vorpal Laser 1d6 damage and 5 feet extra range.

5: Casting Range is now 30 feet.

7: Each delay gives Vorpal Laser 1d8 damage.

9: Each delay gives Vorpal Laser 10 feet extra range. Dodging penalty is now +2

11 Casting Range is now 40 feet.

13: Each delay gives Vorpal Laser 1d10 damage.

15: Each delay gives Vorpal Laser 15 feet extra range. Dodging penalty is now +3

17: Casting Range is now 50 feet.

20: Each delay gives Vorpal Laser 1d12 damage. Dodging penalty is now +4


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, the target is overloaded with a surge of radiative energy that permeates their sense organs and flows disruptively through their Eye of Arkhan. If the target passes below 0 delay, they are struck unconscious and may only resist the effect at an impossible willpower check. This spell is not considered mind control.

3: -1 delay

5: -2 delay

7: -3 delay

9: -4 delay

11: -5 delay

13: -6 delay

15: -7 delay

17: -8 delay

20: -13 delay


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 5(4 per turn)

Casting Range: 100 feet

This spell creates an aura around the Orderist which makes all casting checks that target those in the aura or are initiated by those in the aura, more difficult. Bulwark does not affect the caster of the spell. In order to cast a spell within the aura or upon a target in the aura, the caster must also make a difficult Focus check. Otherwise, the spell fizzles.

3: The delay of Bulwark is 5(4 per turn).

5: The delay of Bulwark is now 4(4 per turn).

7: The delay of Bulwark is now 4(3 per turn).

9: The delay of Bulwark is now 3(3 per turn).

11: The delay of Bulwark is now 3(2 per turn).

13: In order to cast a spell within the aura or upon a target in the aura, the caster must also make an Impossible Focus check. Otherwise, the spell fizzles. The delay of Bulwark is now 2(2 per turn). 

15: The delay of Bulwark is now 2(1 per turn).

17: The delay of Bulwark is now 1(1 per turn).

20: Bulwark is now Innate.

Tier 4


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100 feet

The Orderist may choose a target and that target now resists all magic cast upon them unless the caster makes an additional difficult test against their Focus. If they fail, their spell fizzles.

6: Delay to cast Resist is now 3.

8: Delay to cast Resist is now 3. Opposing caster must make an impossible Focus test or else their spell fizzles on the target.

10: Delay to cast Resist is now 2.



Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100 feet

The caster stuns the target with a dazzling array, forcing them to cease combat and rendering them temporarily unable to think or speak clearly. Target cannot carry out any actions. If target takes damage, they become conscious again and may act normally.

4: The target is mesmerized for one turn. Normal Focus check.

6: The target is mesmerized for two turns. Normal Focus check.

8: The target is mesmerized for three turns. Difficult Focus check.

10: The target is mesmerized for four turns. Difficult Focus check.

12: The target is mesmerized for five turns. Impossible Focus check.


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(3 per turn)

Casting Range: 100 feet

The Orderist may conjure an illusion of their choosing in the area. All those perceiving the illusion get to make a Normal Focus check to decide if they see through it.

4: The illusion spans 5 feet.

6: The illusion may now span up to 10 feet. Targets must now make a Difficult Focus check to see through the illusion.

8: The illusion may now span up to 20 feet.

10: The illusion may now span up to 40 feet.

12: The illusion may now span up to 80 feet. Illusion now costs 3(3 per turn).

14: The illusion may now span up to 160 feet. Illusion now costs 3(2 per turn).

16: The illusion may now span up to 320 feet. Illusion now costs 2(2 per turn).

18: The illusion may now span up to 640 feet. Illusion now costs 2(1 per turn).

20: The illusion may now span up to 1280 feet. Targets must now make an Impossible Focus check to see through the illusion. Illusion now costs 1(1 per turn).

Tier 5

Null (Radiation)

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100 feet

This spell, if explained to most in Nyra, may be considered a lie or useless.  It allows one to take less damage from radiation sources of all kinds.  For this average Nyran, this would actually only be useful for resisting sunburns.  But for the Orderist, it may sometimes find a profound and lifesaving use.  Also, it should be kept in mind that the radiation that is harmful from magicite is radiation as well.

5: -5 damage is taken from Radiation sources while sustained.

7: -25 damage is taken from Radiation sources while sustained.

9: -75 damage is taken from Radiation sources while sustained.

11: -125 damage is taken from Radiation sources while sustained. (Delay: 2)

Absorb Light

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100 feet

The Orderist's body when this spell is cast, begins absorbing the light in the room, in such a way that it consumes it and reroutes it upon the room.  The longer the caster sustains this spell, the more light in the room is consumed, and the more brilliantly the Orderist's body begins to glow.  Once he has successfully consumed all of the light in the room, he may stop rolling sustained rolls and maintain his body of light without check.  However, if he begins casting any other spell, he must begin making sustained rolls and every turn that he fails his sustained roll, a full turn of light returns back to the room.  When Absorb Light is active, any light-based damage is turned into a gained light level.  If the Orderist leaves the area he has absorbed the light from, all light is returned to the area he has left, and his body returns to normal.

5: The Orderist's body consumes the total light in the room at a rate of of one out of ten per turn.  No matter the light level, its total light level is divided into ten turns, and at ten, the only light source in the room is the Orderist.  Any who look upon his form at full intensity are blinded.

7: The Orderist's body consumes the total light in the room at a rate of of one out of five per turn.  No matter the light level, its total light level is divided into five turns, and at five, the only light source in the room is the Orderist.  All light absorbed is rerouted at double intensity. Any who look upon his form at turn two and on are blinded and all Instant rolls are difficult.

9: The Orderist's body consumes the total light in the room at a rate of of one out of three per turn.  No matter the light level, its total light level is divided into three turns, and at three, the only light source in the room is the Orderist. All light absorbed is rerouted at triple intensity.  Any who look upon his form at any turn are blinded and all Instant rolls are impossible.

Spell Type: Instant 

Delay: 1

Casting Range: Self

The Orderist may instantaneously teleport to a nearby location. 

5: The Orderist may blink 50 feet from their current location.

7: The Orderist may blink 75 feet from their current location.

9: The Orderist may blink 100 feet from their current location.


Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100 feet

All charisma checks and mind control abilities now receive a decrement when used upon the caster.

5: +1 difficulty

7: +2 difficulty

9: +3 difficulty

11: +4 difficulty

13: +5 difficulty. This spell can also now be used as an Instant spell at 2 delay and the effect lasts for one turn on one target.

15: +6 difficulty. The effect of the Instant now lasts for two turns on one target.

17: +7 difficulty. The effect of the Instant now lasts for three turns on two targets.

20: You and all targets surrounding you for 50 feet now have the effect of Sovereignty at the will of the caster and all charisma and mind control checks against the characters are at +15 difficulty.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, the caster imbues the target with an increase in their INT statistic and all skills underneath it for the duration that the spell is sustained on them. May exceed soft cap (10).

5: +1 to INT and all skills under it.

7: +2 to INT and all skills under it.

9: Delay is now 3

11: +3 to INT and all skills under it.

13: +4 to INT and all skills under it. 

15: Delay is now 2.

17: +5 to INT and all skills under it.

Tier 6

Near Sight

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, quite simply, the Orderist may lend his sight onto a ray of light.  Any ray of light may be rode upon in order to spy the end of its path.  In this way, many Orderists look through the skies or ride to the horizon to spy on an enemy.  The only limit is where an object halters its path, such as the horizon or a building.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100 feet

The spell Displacement creates an image of the caster, which is projected barely away from their actual self, so that enemies have a much more difficult time making contact.

6: All rolls that must attempt to make contact with the caster's body in any way are at a -2 disadvantage.

8: All rolls that must attempt to make contact with the caster's body in any way are at a -3 disadvantage and the spell is now an Instant spell.

10: All rolls that must attempt to make contact with the caster's body in any way are at a -5 disadvantage and the spell is now Innate and may be turned on and off at the caster's will.


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 5 to stack

Casting Range: 100 feet

Every time this spell is cast, the Orderist stacks one counter charge that they may declare when any spell is cast in their presence, forcing that spell to fizzle at no delay cost to the Orderist. Each time a counter charge fizzles a spell, it disappears.

6: The Orderist may stack up to two counterspell charges.

8: The Orderist may stack up to three counterspell charges.

10: The Orderist may stack up to four counterspell charges. Delay is now 4.

12: The Orderist may stack up to five counterspell charges. Delay is now 3.

14: Delay is now 2.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100 feet

The Orderist projects a field in a sphere around them and any conscious being that is within it that can understand their words, heeds one command at a time originating from that caster. If the target fails to make their Focus check, for as long as they stay within the Compliance radius, they will continue to follow the Orderist’s command.

6: The sphere of influence is 5 feet. Target must make a Focus check to resist when the command is given.

8: The sphere of influence is 10 feet. Target must make a Focus check to resist when the command is given.

10: The sphere of influence is 15 feet. Target must make a difficult Focus check to resist when the command is given.

12: The sphere of influence is 20 feet. Target must make a difficult Focus check to resist when the command is given.

14: The sphere of influence is 25 feet. Target must make a difficult Focus check to resist when the command is given.

16: The sphere of influence is 30 feet. Target must make an impossible Focus check to resist when the command is given.

18: The sphere of influence is 35 feet. Target must make an impossible Focus check to resist when the command is given.

20: The sphere of influence is 40 feet. Target must make an impossible Focus check to resist when the command is given.

Tier 7


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, the caster is able to read the mental state of the target, depending on their intelligence. The target can resist being mind-read with a successful Focus check.

7: Upon success, the caster can determine whether the target is agitated, dubious, or neutral.

9: Upon success, the caster can determine the immediate thoughts of the target.


13: Upon success, the caster can read the subconscious of the target. Delay: 2


17: Upon success, the caster can read the memories of the target.  Delay: 2



Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100 feet

The Orderist may choose a target. That target then makes a competitive check with the Orderist against their Focus to resist the Silence. If they fail, that target can no longer cast new spells and all spells that are Innate, Sustained, or Channeling by the caster are canceled. Every turn the Orderist and the target must re-roll the check. Cannot affect mages who are in Ascension.

7: The target makes the check equally with the caster.

9: The caster now gets a +1 in their competitive check.

11: The delay of Silence is now 3.

13: The caster now gets a +2 in their competitive check.

15: The delay of Silence is now 2. Can now affect mages who are in Ascension.

17: The caster now gets a +3 in their competitive check.

20: The caster now gets a +4 in their competitive check.

Tier 8


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, the caster is constantly transmuting the light that strikes their body into a reparative effect.

8: Receives one point of healing to all body parts being touched by naturally occurring light per every five delay (magical and physical) spent in combat or per minute out of combat.

10: Receives one point of healing to all body parts being touched by naturally occurring light per every four delay (magical and physical) spent in combat or per minute out of combat.

12: Receives one point of healing to all body parts being touched by naturally occurring light per every three delay (magical and physical) spent in combat or per minute out of combat.

14: Receives one point of healing to all body parts being touched by naturally occurring light per every two delay (magical and physical) spent in combat or per minute out of combat.

16: The spell can now be channeled on other targets.

18: Once a body part that is touched by light is healed to 0, all body parts not touched by light begin being healed.

20: The spell is now sustained and can be turned on for one delay.


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100 feet

When a caster declares a spell and a target, the Orderist may roll a competitive check against the opposing caster’s roll. If the Orderist succeeds, they may choose a new target for the spell.

Tier 9

Radiation Bath

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(3 per turn)

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, the Orderist radiates forth a cone (10 feet at the mouth) of harmful waves, which disrupt the molecules of the enemy, causing egregious harm.  As the spell is cast over each successive turn, more radiation gathers in the area, causing more and more damage over time.  Anything metal in the vicinity past turn 2 receives a DOT that is done to the wearer that grows +1 radiation damage each turn they are inside the cone.  It cannot be removed from the armor unless it is dispelled by an Orderist, the wearer will not live to see the radiation fade from it naturally.

Note: Radiation is invisible.

9: Turn 1: 1d2 damage to all body parts in the cone.

Turn 2: 1d4 damage to all body parts in the cone. 

Turn 3: Skin is beginning to burn, wounds are forming.  1d6 radiation damage is done to all body parts in the cone.

Turn 4: Horrible physical harm is being done to all organic life inside the cone.  2d20 radiation damage to anything living.

Turn 5: The amount of radiation in the room is so much that everyone must make impossible CON checks not to vomit.  4d20 radiation damage is done to anything living in the room.

11:  Turn 1: 1d4 damage to all body parts in the cone.  

Turn 2: Skin is beginning to burn, wounds are forming.  1d6 radiation damage is done to all body parts in the cone.

Turn 3: Horrible physical harm is being done to all organic life inside the cone.  2d20 radiation damage to anything living.

Turn 4: The amount of radiation in the room is so much that everyone must make impossible CON checks not to vomit.  4d20 radiation damage is done to anything living in the room.

13: Turn 1:  Skin is beginning to burn, wounds are forming.  1D6 radiation damage is done to all body parts in the cone.

Turn 2: Horrible physical harm is being done to all organic life inside the cone.  2d20 radiation damage to anything living.

Turn 3: The amount of radiation in the room is so much that everyone must make impossible CON checks not to vomit.  4d20 radiation damage is done to anything living in the room.

15: Turn 1: Horrible physical harm is being done to all organic life inside the cone.  2d20 radiation damage to anything living.

Turn 2: The amount of radiation in the room is so much that everyone must make impossible CON checks not to vomit.  4d20 radiation damage is done to anything living in the room.

17: Turn 1:  The amount of radiation in the room is so much that everyone must make impossible CON checks not to vomit.  4d20 radiation damage is done to anything living in the room.

Disrupt Arcana

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100 feet

Turns the Eye of Arkhan in the target’s brain into a magical battery, which stores the arcane energies flowing through it, overloading and exploding.

9: For each magical delay the target spends, stack one counter. Once they reach twenty counters, deal 1d10 Magic damage to their entire body.

11: For each magical delay the target spends, stack one counter. Once they reach eighteen counters, deal 2d10 Magic damage to their entire body.

13: For each magical delay the target spends, stack one counter. Once they reach sixteen counters, deal 3d10 Magic damage to their entire body.

15: For each magical delay the target spends, stack one counter. Once they reach fourteen  counters, deal 4d10 Magic damage to their entire body.

17: For each magical delay the target spends, stack one counter. Once they reach twelve  counters, deal 5d10 Magic damage to their entire body.

20: For each magical delay the target spends, stack one counter. Once they reach ten counters, deal 6d10 Magic damage to their entire body.

Tier 10

Nullification Field

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: Turn

Casting Range: 100 feet

With this spell, the caster creates a radius around themselves which adds difficulty equal to the caster’s magic skill to any spells that someone attempts to cast in the area. The only exceptions are other casters who are using Nullification Field at the same rank within range, in which case the fields merge into one. The casters who are casting Nullification Field cannot act, entering a deep meditation. Other Orderists are not affected by Nullification Field.

10: The radius of each mage casting this spell is 100 feet multiplied by the number of mages who have merged fields with the caster.

12: The radius of each mage casting this spell is 200 feet multiplied by the number of mages who have merged fields with the caster.

14: The radius of each mage casting this spell is 400 feet multiplied by the number of mages who have merged fields with the caster.

16: The radius of each mage casting this spell is 800 feet multiplied by the number of mages who have merged fields with the caster.

18: The radius of each mage casting this spell is 1600 feet multiplied by the number of mages who have merged fields with the caster.

20: The radius of each mage casting this spell is 3200 feet multiplied by the number of mages who have merged fields with the caster.


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 1 per 500 feet

Casting Range: Self

The caster turns into a ray of light, re-forming after a particular distance. Must stop using this spell in order to cast other spells.

8: The caster travels 500 feet for every delay spent.

10: The caster travels 1000 feet for every delay spent.

12: The caster travels 2000 feet for every delay spent.

14: The caster travels 4000 feet for every delay spent.

16: The caster travels 8000 feet for every delay spent.

18: The caster travels 16,000 feet for every delay spent.

20: The caster travels 32,000 feet for every delay spent.

Ascension (Order)

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

The caster ascends into a pure manifestation of their element, able to wield their phase with a newly found power. Their element cannot affect them in any harmful way. Every turn the caster must roll a check against their Magic skill to see if their mortal mind is destroyed by their ascended form and their character dies. The caster is impervious to physical damage while Ascended.

While ascended, the Orderist now gets +5 on all competitive checks.

10: The character must roll a Normal check for the first turn, a Difficult check for the second turn, an Impossible check for the third turn, and 1 on all turns after.

12: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third turn, an Impossible check for the fourth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

14: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

16: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth and sixth turns, and 1 on all turns after.

18: The character must roll a Normal check for the first three turns, a Difficult check for the fourth and fifth turns, an Impossible check for the sixth and and seventh turns, and 1 on all turns after.

20: The character must roll a Normal check for the first four turns, a Difficult check for the fifth and sixth turns, an Impossible check for the seventh and and eighth turns, and 1 on all turns after.