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Arba Grain

Type: Grain

Size: Medium

Region: 27

The Arba Grain is a parasitic organism which grows on the Mixal Mushrooms. Despite this, however, it is the primary grain for the Sarkin people. Sometimes entire fields of Mixal Mushrooms are cultivated just so Arba Grain can then be grown on them.

Uses: Consumable


  • Arba Stalk

Asrani Flowers

Type: Edible Flower

Size: Small

Region: 5, 18, 19

The Asrani Flower is a large, very colorful purple and pink bloom which is prized for its beauty and is used in a variety of regional dishes.

Uses: Consumable


  • Asrani Petal


Bestel Flowers

Type: Meat-Eating Flower

Size: Small

Region: 5, 18, 19

This plant is a bulbous flower with its mass being about the size of a human torso. It stays closed most times, until prey is close. It then opens its mouth revealing spiny teeth which drip with poison. It opens quite wide when prepared, looking flat to the ground with the greyish inside of its mouth exposed and teeth pointing upward. When it penetrates the skin of its target, it also impregnates the target. If they wander out of its mouth, when the target dies they will host new Bestel Flowers.

Uses: Can make Bestel poison for Profession (Alchemy).


  • Bestel Flower


Chendal Flower

Type: Flower

Size: Medium

Region: 11, 12

A flower with somewhat large, outgoing yellow petals. It causes the effects of Itching Powder on any uncovered body part that makes contact with it.

Uses: Chendal may be directly derived into the poison Itching Powder by a character with Profession (Alchemy).


  • Chendal Petals



Type: Weed

Size: Small, Medium, Large

Region: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16

Devilweed is a colorful and aromatic weed that grows profusely. It has a very spicy flavor and is mostly used by chefs.

Uses: Can be used as an ingredient for Profession (Cook) and is used in Devilweed Powder for Profession (Alchemy).


  • Devilweed

Digo Truffle

Type: Fungus

Size: Tiny

Region: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19

The Digo Truffle grows prolifically across Nyra and is used mostly as a shamanic drug for the various cultures of the planet.

Uses: The Digo Truffle induces a psychadelic trip that grows more intense and debilitating the more doses of this fungus are consumed. The trip will tend to lead down corridors of thought, becoming dazed from the world around them. The content of the trip is up to GM discretion. For every stack of Digo Truffle, all visual checks become one difficulty threshold harder. Assess, Observation, Profession (Creator), Lore, and Magic are all one difficulty threshold easier. 


  • Digo Truffle


Endil Tree

Type: Tree

Size: Large

Region: 15, 16, 17

The Endil trees grow around most parts of the island of Onus. They grow large and wide, protruding forth bone-like spines from its surface . These are mostly to prevent the nesting of small pest-like animals.

Uses: Endil trees are often used for the spines on their surface, which make deadly spearheads.


  • Endil Wood
  • Endil Spine


Fali Grass

Type: Grass

Size: Medium

Region: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21

One of the most prolific organisms on the planet, Fali grass grows in large swaying fields anywhere where its roots can take hold. Most cultures have figured out that it can also be ground into a power and then baked to produce bread.

Uses: Can be processed into grain and cooked.


  • Fali Grass


Goda Tree

Type: Tree

Size: Medium, Large, Giant

Region: 9, 12

The Goda Tree can become very large in size, measuring somewhere in the medium range of those seen in the regions. It is about 18 - 65 feet tall at full maturity on average.

Uses: The Goda Tree is not particularly useful in itself. However, the spore from its pale blossoms is sometimes inhaled as a powerful stimulant. 


  • Goda Wood
  • Raw Goda Spore

Goli'To Vines

Type: Vine

Size: Medium

Region: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The Goli'To Vines grow in crawling masses up walls and into cracks all over Lazvar. They are a brown and blue color, with a faint odor to alert one of its presence.

Uses: The scent glands of a Goli'To Vine may be derived into the poison Golia.


  • Goli’To Vine


Hekka Cactus

Type: Cactus

Size: Small

Region: 6, 10, 21

This cactus is a tall-standing thing, needles sticking out from its surface liberally. However, when creatures land upon its surface they discover the needles are coated in a paralyzing poison and small clinging thorns. When the animal falls down, unable to move, it catches upon the needles. Its fate is then sealed as the cactus sucks its nutrients from its body through the pores on the needles. Sometimes humans have accidentally stumbled into its thorns, unaware what fate this would mean for them.



  • Hekka Cactus
  • Hekka Spine



Jieki Tree

Type: Tree

Size: Large, Giant

Region: 4, 11

The Jieki tree is usually in tight bunches with other trees of its type. This mostly consists of swampy or pond-riddled areas where they bask their roots. They have many long, flexible, low-hanging branches. They get a great deal of nutrition from the animals which become stuck and decompose in the area. For this reason, the Jieki tree has developed an ability to emit an acid from its wood. Its branches are reactive to touch, which causes it to excrete a sticky sap. After covered in sap, it will then wrap around even human-sized prey and attempt to entangle them. The wood seeps a strong acid, attempting to digest its prey and have its nutrients drip into the tree’s root system.

Uses: The Jieki tree is prized for making longbows with extraordinary range and penetration. It may be gathered if a character has an axe that has Lumberjacking and Profession (Prospector). The roots also produce an acid that can be gathered by Profession (Alchemy).


  • Jieki Wood
  • Acid


Keela Moss

Type: Moss

Size: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Giant, Titanic

Region: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19

Keela moss is an unassuming green-blond moss which grows in nearly every conducive biome on the face of the planet. 

Uses: When smoked, induces a pleasant body and head high.


  • Keela Moss

Kudrun Tree

Type: Tree

Size: Medium, Large, Giant, Titanic

Region: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19

The Kudrun Tree is a simple tree in appearance, yet highly variable in size between a mere 3 feet and hundreds of feet tall. Most creatures in the area are more concerned with ever-present predators and not Kudrun. However, it too responded in some small way to these large creatures, taking a springy yet rigid structure in order to not be toppled in their presence and containing a potent chemical analgesic which threatens to kill any creature which consumes it in sufficient quantities. A Kudrun tree can be identified by its five-pronged leaves no matter its size.

Uses: The Kudrun tree is often used for making bows when they are still small enough to be chopped down. However, the larger the tree, the more prized the material for bowmaking it is.


  • Kudrun Wood


Leegis Mushroom

Type: Fungus

Size: Medium

Region: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19

An edible mushroom that grows broad teal “shelves” on tree surfaces. Can be eaten raw or cooked. Often grows on Kudrun trees.

Uses: Consumable


  • Mushrooms


Mixal Mushroom

Type: Fungus

Size: Tiny-Titanic

Region: 27

The Mixal Mushroom is one of the most important organisms in the Lazvarian cave network of Lazvar. Not only is the Mixal a very nutritious and delicious mushroom when it is Tiny, Small, and Medium size, but it also glows, providing light for dark caverns. For this reason, the Mixal is sometimes grown as a light source for areas. Also, when the Mixal grows to Large, Giant, or Titanic sizes, one can harvest a very dense fibrous material from the stalks that is very similar to the consistency and durability of wood.

Uses: Consumable, can be used for crafting wooden items, light source.


  • Mixal Mushroom
  • Mixal Wood



Type: Tuber

Size: Small

Region: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9

A common, edible root found in many northern climates of Lazvar and Faydorn. As it grows, it creates small, sharp shoots from which leaves sprout.



  • Neathroot

Needo Tree

Type: Fruit-Bearing Tree

Size: Medium, Large, Giant

Region: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

The Needo tree grows up to roughly fifty feet in height and spans low and wide with a thick canopy. It has spread far and wide, native to Lazvar, but having been transplanted to Faydorn by the Ethakkra, due to its ability to grow tasty edible fruits. These fruits are half the size of a human fist, blue and tart, and can be cooked to increase its sweetness. 



  • Needo Wood
  • Fruit



Proust Tree

Type: Tree

Size: Giant

Region: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 17

A hardy tree that can thrive in many harsh climates. It grows needles instead of leaves, as well as small, edible nuts.



  • Nuts
  • Proust Wood




Sea Grass

Type: Grass

Size: Small, Medium

Region: 25

A common plant found throughout Nyra’s aquatic systems

Uses: Consumable


  • Sea Grass


Tero Vine

Type: Vine

Size: Large

Region: 3, 4, 5

The Tero Vine is a thigh-thick vine that has fire-red blossoms. It is easy to spot by its spotted pattern and the red crowns that punctuate it.

Uses: Tero Vine may be directly derived into the poison Terrin by a character with Profession (Alchemy).


  • Tero Vine

Trubel Bush

Type: Bush

Size: Medium

Region: 1, 2, 7, 8, 14, 17

The Trubel Bush generally grows in cool, drier climates. The plant consists of a modestly-sized bush that grows bunches of hard, edible berries. Its berries are small, pale white in color, are mostly tasteless but with a pleasant crunch. 

Uses: Ingredient in cooking


  • Berries


Uneda Tree

Type: Tree

Size: Medium, Large

Region: 8, 9

Name means 'defiant of wind.' The Uneda tree has become springy, yet rigid in response to the high winds of the Kaemian island. 

Uses: Many Kaze archers use the tree for its use in bowmaking.


  • Uneda Wood


Veltharis Flower

Type: Flower

Size: Small, Medium

Region: 2, 6, 8, 10

A small, innocuous flower that grows in arid regions and deserts. Its stem and leaves have thorns that can cause a slight numbness when touched.

Uses: The leaves can be brewed into a sleeping tincture


  • Veltharis Flower


Wudu Bush

Type: Bush

Size: Medium

Region: 13, 20, 21

This bush has made a strange adaptation, although one that is effective. The fruits that grow upon it have a liquid inside that is very akin to napalm when exposed to open air. The fruits are actually decoys, their seeds being spread through ash on the wind. Because of this presence of fire, the bush has also developed a resistance to fire and heat.

Uses: Their fruits are sometimes used as makeshift explosives. Its leaves may also be harvested in order to be applied like flame retardant.


  • Wudu Fruit



Yuriah’s Mane

Type: Fungus

Size: Tiny

Region: 6, 8, 13

Yuriah’s Mane is a very uncommon moss that generally only grows in mountainous regions. It is notable for its deep green foundation and blonde caps.

Uses: Can be crafted into Heartreaver with Profession (Alchemy).


  • Yuriah Cap