Here is the rubric for armor pieces in the following section.
Armor Name
Equipped Area:
Strength Requirement:
First, an example of a piece of armor:
Category: Light-Medium
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms, and Legs (1 piece)
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -3
C: -4
S: -4
B: -6
Durability: 20
Traits: Insulated
Average Price: 650 denar per piece
The above is what you will see on every piece of armor in the game. Armor Name simply tells what the piece of armor is and what it would be properly identified as. Armor class implies what type of armor it is. The classes and the standard resistances are as follows:
Heavy: This class includes most platemail and other very heavy and thick types of armor. It is worn by high-class knights, well-weathered warriors, and other assorted fighters of a notable wealth to buy it or of a great enough renown to be given it. The epitome of protection, Heavy armors sacrifice some mobility and dexterity for an impenetrable defense. All Knockdown checks become difficult against anyone wearing this armor type on their full body, however if successful, the Agility check to get back up is also difficult. Can only be worn by characters with Defense of 15 or above.
Medium-Heavy: These battle-ready pieces usually consist of large plates that cover much of the torso and waist. A combination of smaller metal plates, lighter chainmail, and thick cloth protect the limbs. Can only be worn by characters with Defense of 10 or above.
Medium: Medium armors are chainmails, ringmails, and other assorted flexible types of armor. They are mostly worn poor ground troops, but are not unusual to be seen on full-fledged warriors for their convenience and dampening effects of sharp objects.
Light-Medium: These type of armors can vary greatly, but are mostly comprised of treated leathers and layered fibers. They are usually worn for their non-hindrance of movement, and are usually relatively inexpensive to repair or replace.
Light: Armor in the “Light” category shouldn’t really be considered armor at all. Many pieces in this list consist of clothes, robes, and other thin garments that were not intended for close-quarters combat, but are still better than nothing.
Equipped area implies what part of the body this armor can be equipped to. The areas are Chest, Left Arm, Right Arm, Legs, and Head. Only one layer of armor can be equipped to the user. Some armors, like the Gambeson, cover multipole parts with only one piece of armor.
Strength Requirement implies the amount of strength it takes to wear this piece of armor, if the user does not have the strength, it is generally accepted it is too heavy or unwieldy for them.
Protection implies the amount of straight damage that is to be taken off of the total damage dealt by any type of attack in the manner listed below its heading. “P” refers to piercing damage, “C” refers to chopping damage, “S” refers to slashing damage, and “B” refers to bludgeoning damage.
Durability represents the overall quality of the armor left. If it has low durability it is either badly crafted, or of a material that has low resistance to damage. The lower the number becomes, the more damaged the armor has become, and when it reaches zero, it no longer blocks any blows and must be repaired.
Traits are additional effects that are inherent to the armor. Refer to the Traits section in the guide for additional information.
A battle that factors in the above armor would go like this: attacker declares that he is attacking user with a chopping attack with his hatchet and rolls successfully. Let’s say that they roll to do a total of 6 damage to the chest. Looking at the Gambeson above, the reduction to chopping damage, labelled there as “C” is -4. The attack’s damage is therefore reduced by 4, so the total damage after taking armor into account is 2.
Following is a list of armor pieces found in the world of Nyra. Some are common and some are extremely rare, but each affords a usage of some type. Many different variations of different classes of armors can be forged using different materials and skills both by the player and by NPCs.
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -1
C: -1
S: -1
B: N/A
Durability: 5
Average Price: 5 denar
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Legs
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -1
C: -1
S: -1
B: N/A
Durability: 5
Average Price: 10 denar
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -1
C: -2
S: -2
B: N/A
Durability: 10
Average Price: 20 denar
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Legs
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -1
C: -2
S: -2
B: N/A
Durability: 10
Average Price: 15 denar
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -2
C: -2
S: -3
B: -2
Durability: 15
Average Price: 30 denar
Quilted Coat
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -2
C: -2
S: -3
B: -2
Durability: 15
Average Price: 30 denar
Quilted Pants
Category: Light
Equipped Area: Legs
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -2
C: -2
S: -3
B: -2
Durability: 10
Average Price: 20 denar
Boiled Leather
Category: Light-Medium
Equipped Area: Head, Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 3
P: -4
C: -5
S: -6
B: -6
Head: 20
Chest: 30
Pauldrons: 25
Greaves: 25
Average Price: 50 denar per piece
Studded Leather
Category: Light-Medium
Equipped Area: Head, Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 3
P: -6
C: -5
S: -6
B: -5
Head: 20
Chest: 30
Pauldrons: 25
Greaves: 25
Average Price: 50 denar per piece
Leather Armor
Category: Light-Medium
Equipped Area: Head, Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 2
P: -4
C: -5
S: -6
B: -5
Durability: 20
Average Price: 20 denar per piece
Padded Arming Cap
Category: Light-Medium
Equipped Area: Head
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -2
C: -4
S: -5
B: -6
Durability: 10
Average Price: 30 denar per piece
Category: Light-Medium
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms, and Legs (1 piece)
Strength Requirement: 1
P: -2
C: -5
S: -5
B: -7
Durability: 20
Traits: Insulated
Average Price: 250 denar
Butted Chainmail
Category: Medium
Equipped Area: Head, Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 3
P: -5
C: -7
S: -9
B: -6
Head: 15
Chest: 30
Sleeves: 25
Pants: 25
Average Price: 100 denar per piece
Riveted Chainmail
Category: Medium
Equipped Area: Head, Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 3
P: -6
C: -7
S: -11
B: -6
Head: 15
Chest: 30
Sleeves: 25
Pants: 25
Average Price: 125 denar per piece
Category: Medium
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 3
P: -6
C: -8
S: -10
B: -5
Head: 20
Chest: 35
Sleeves: 30
Pants: 30
Average Price: 150 denar per piece
Lamellar Armor
Category: Medium-Heavy
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 5
P: -9
C: -12
S: -14
B: -8
Chestplate: 55
Average Price: 300 denar per piece
Lamellar Helmet
Category: Medium-Heavy
Equipped Area: Head
Strength Requirement: 4
P: -7
C: -9
S: -11
B: -8
Durability: 40
Average Price: 350 denar
Splint Armor
Category: Medium-Heavy
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 5
P: -9
C: -11
S: -13
B: -10
Chestplate: 55
Armguards: 30
Greaves: 45
Average Price: 300 denar per piece
Category: Medium-Heavy
Equipped Area: Chest
Strength Requirement: 6
P: -10
C: -10
S: -13
B: -11
Chestplate: 55
Average Price: 400 denar per piece
Kettle Helm
Category: Medium-Heavy
Equipped Area: Head
Strength Requirement: 4
P: -5
C: -9
S: -10
B: -10
Durability: 40
Traits: Ergonomic
Average Price: 400 denar
Plate Armor
Category: Heavy
Equipped Area: Chest, Arms, Legs
Strength Requirement: 7
P: -12
C: -14
S: -18
B: -12
Helm: 45
Chestplate: 75
Pauldrons: 40
Greaves: 55
Average Price: 650 denar per piece
Category: Heavy
Equipped Area: Head
Strength Requirement: 6
P: -10
C: -11
S: -14
B: -11
Durability: 50
Average Price: 700 denar
Full Helm
Category: Heavy
Equipped Area: Head
Strength Requirement: 5
P: -10
C: -12
S: -14
B: -10
Durability: 50
Average Price: 750 denar