Methods of Progression
Through critical success mechanic. When one scores a critical success on any skill, they gain a number equal to double the modifier of the skill's governing statistic as skill points to spend under that statistic's skills. So for example, if one rolled a 1 on a sword-strike, they would gain a number of skill points as equal to their STR modifier (Ex: 9 STR, so a +4 modifier) to spend in skills under STR. He may now spend 8 points in any STR skill or stockpile them for later use. The only exception to this is the Magic statistic. Points scored from critical successes in magic skill rolls can be distributed wherever the character likes.
Through critical failure mechanic. If a character ever critically fails on any skill (Rolls a 10), they get 2 x the skill's governing statistic's modifier as skill points of the type of the governing statistic. So if one critically failed on climbing, they would get 2 x CON modifier of skill points to be spent on climbing.
Through the skill Instruction. A character with skill in Instruction may teach any skill that he has a 5 or higher in. On a successful Instruction roll the teacher and the taught add their Intelligence modifiers together; this sum is the amount of skill points that the taught gains to be spent into the skill that they have been taught. It would be uncommon, but not unheard of for some NPCs to have the Instruction skill. Especially teachers or school-leaders. It should never be assumed that just because an NPC is a master at anything, that he is therefore a good teacher.
Through GM discretion. If the characters ever deal with a situation he sees fit to give them skill points, he may give them to whomever he likes at his whim. For GM's, this should follow a trend of: Obstacle A is overcome by character B, therefore character B receives a quantity of general skill points to be spent for any purpose.
By killing enemies. In the Creature guide there are specified amounts of skill points that are gained upon killing the creatures in Nyra. It is recommended that these skill points be awarded to everyone in the party who was in combat with the pertinent creatures. Skill points for humanoids will vary depending on how difficult the GM has made the enemy and should be allocated at their discretion.