Upon every battle field and in every city there are those who are repairing either their own wounds or the wounds of others. In some places they are called bonesetters, in others they are named surgeons, and in still others they are seamlessly included among the alchemists, medicine men, and shamans. Although the doctor in every community may not always be a true expert of their craft, they are nonetheless integral to every society.
Rank 2:
►May now use the ability Diagnose.
Use: The doctor can now assess what is ailing any humanoid target whose symptoms they have observed.
Rank 4:
►Can make Bandage with: 1 cloth.
Effect: After using this item on a location that is in Slight, deduct 5 damage from it. Also removes the status effect Bleed.
Delay: 7
►When the character uses any items created by Profession (Doctor), deduct 1 delay needed.
Rank 6:
►When the character uses any items created by Profession (Doctor), deduct 2 delay needed.
►Can make Tourniquet with: 1 Sinew.
Effect: After using this item on a location that is in Serious, deduct 5 damage from it. Also removes the status effect Bleed.
Delay: 12
Rank 8:
►Can make Smelling Salts with: 1 Sulfur.
Effect: Wakes up the target with an Easy CON check.
Delay: 6
►Can make Crutch with: 1 wood.
Effect: Target may choose to equip this item in either Main Hand or Offhand to replace the functioning of one of their legs.
Rank 10:
►When the character uses any items created by Profession (Doctor), deduct 3 delay needed.
►Can make Prosthetic Leg with: 1 wood.
Effect: Can replace the functioning of one leg.
Durability: 15
Rank 12:
►May now use the ability Mend.
Use: The doctor may now reduce a damage location that is in Critical back to the upper limit of Serious by rolling against Profession (Doctor). Also removes the status effect Bleed.
Delay: 8
►Can make Prosthetic Arm with: 1 wood.
Effect: Can replace the functioning of one arm. However, all checks with that arm are at +3 difficulty.
Durability: 15
Rank 14:
►Now has the ability Sterilize.
Use: When applying Bandage and Tourniquet, add 2 extra healing.
►Mend may now be used in order to remove the status effects Bleed, Dependence, and Crippled.
Rank 16:
►Mend can now be used on limbs that have exceeded the Critical limit for a character so long as the damage on the location does not exceed the target’s CON mod. Mend still cannot be used on targets that are dead.
►When the character uses any items created by Profession (Doctor), deduct 4 delay needed.
►Mend may now be used in order to remove the status effects Bleed, Dependence, Crippled, and Deafened.
Rank 18:
►Mend may now be used in order to remove the status effects Bleed, Dependence, Crippled, Deafened, and Disoriented.
►When the character uses any items created by Profession (Doctor), deduct 5 delay needed.
Rank 20:
►Mend may now be used in order to remove the status effects Bleed, Dependence, Crippled, Deafened, Disoriented, and Unfocused.
►Mend can now be used on head and chest locations that have exceeded the Critical limit for a character as well, so long as the damage on the location does not exceed the target’s CON mod.