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Known as: Fluxus, Aquamancer, Defiler, Liquidus

Tier 1

Sense Liquid

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

Liquidus often first come to know their element by this communion with the phase.  It is said at young ages, those who are inclined to this element often wander to tributaries and ocean coasts.  In rare cases, they wander to lava flows, as this too is an aspect of their phase. 

1:  The caster may sense liquids for 10 feet surrounding him.

3:  The caster may sense liquids for 20 feet surrounding him.  

5:  The caster may sense liquids for 40 feet surrounding him. 

7:  The caster may sense liquids for 80 feet surrounding him.  

9:  The caster may sense liquids for 160 feet surrounding him.  

11:  The caster may sense liquids for 320 feet surrounding him.  

13:  The caster may sense liquids for 640 feet surrounding him.  

15:  The caster may sense liquids for 1280 feet surrounding him.  

17:  The caster may sense liquids for 2560 feet surrounding him.  

20:  The caster may sense liquids for 5120 feet surrounding him.  

Sense Liquidus

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

This spell allow the caster to sense the presence of someone of their own element.

1: Can sense when in contact.

3: Can sense when perceived.

Summon Water

Tier 2


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 2(1)

Casting Range: 100

The caster summons a poison in the blood of the target, causing them to take damage every turn until it ceases. The target gets to make an easy Focus check if the caster succeeds on the check and an easy Focus check to purge all stacks of this poison each turn. This effect can stack any number of times.

2: target takes 1 damage per turn. 

4: target takes 2 damage per turn. 

6: target takes 3 damage per turn. The Focus check to resist being poisoned and the ensuing Focus checks on each turn are now at Normal for the target.

8: target takes 4 damage per turn. 

10: target takes 6 damage per turn. 

12: target takes 8 damage per turn. The Focus check to resist being poisoned and the ensuing Focus checks on each turn are now at Difficult for the target.

14: target takes 10 damage per turn. 

16: target takes 12 damage per turn. 

18: target takes 14 damage per turn. The Focus check to resist being poisoned and the ensuing Focus checks on each turn are now at Impossible difficulty for the target.

20: target takes 16 damage per turn. 


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

A twisting torrent of water sprays forth from the caster’s location, hitting a single target in a random location. The target may roll a Dodge check.

2: Target is affected with Knockdown unless they pass an easy Agility check.

4: The target now takes 1d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target location.

6: The target now takes 2d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target location.

8: Target is affected with Knockdown unless they pass a normal Agility check. Delay: 3

10: The target now takes 3d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target location. Delay: 3

12: Target is affected with Knockdown unless they pass a difficult Agility check. Delay: 4

14: The target now takes 4d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target location. Delay: 4

16: Target is affected with Knockdown unless they pass an impossible Agility check. Delay: 5

18: The target now takes 5d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target location. Delay: 5

20: The target now takes 6d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target location. Delay: 5


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

The caster chooses a target and that target gets a persistent, slow heal that processes at the beginning of every turn for three turns. Cannot be stacked, but can be refreshed.

2: 1 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

4: 2 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

6: 3 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

8: 4 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

10: 5 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

12: 6 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

14: 7 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

16: 8 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

18: 9 damage healed to every body part, per turn.

20: 10 damage healed to every body part, per turn.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

The caster chooses a target and that target receives a counter that the caster may choose to expend any time that the target chooses to do an action. When they expend that counter, it cancels the action of the target while still requiring the same amount of delay for the target. The target may make a normal Focus check in order to fizzle the Impede when the caster chooses to activate the counter, spending the counter. 

2: Each target can only 1 have counter on them.

4: Each target can only 2 have counters on them. 

6: Each target can only 3 have counters on them. 

8: Each target can only 4 have counters on them. 

10: Each target can only 5 have counters on them. 

12: Each target can only 6 have counters on them.

14: Each target can only 7 have counters on them. The Focus check to fizzle the counter is now at difficult.

16: Each target can only 8 have counters on them.

18: Each target can only 9 have counters on them. 

20: Each target can only 11 have counters on them. 

Tier 3


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 3(3 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster summons forth a spewing arc of acid from their location at a single target. The target gets a Normal Dodge check. If they are afflicted with the Acid, body parts receive progressively more damage the longer it is in contact with them, adding one per turn from the starting amount. Any armor covered in Acid will take double the listed damage to its durability instead of the afflicted body part, until the armor is destroyed.

3: The Acid does 1 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. 

5: The Acid does 2 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. 

7: The Acid does 3 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. 

9: The Acid does 5 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. The player may choose a neighboring body part to the one they have struck to also be afflicted by Acid.

11: The Acid does 6 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. The player may choose a neighboring body part to the one they have struck to also be afflicted by Acid.

13: The Acid does 7 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. The player may choose a neighboring body part to the one they have struck to also be afflicted by Acid.

15: The Acid does 8 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. The player may choose two neighboring body parts to the one they have struck to also be afflicted by Acid.

17: The Acid does 10 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. The player may choose three neighboring body parts to the one they have struck to also be afflicted by Acid.

20: The Acid does 15 damage on the first and adds one damage inflicted every turn thereafter that the Acid remains. The player may choose five neighboring body parts to the one they have struck to also be afflicted by Acid.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

When this spell is cast on a target, they are able to breathe while submerged in liquid.

3: The caster may only target themselves.

5: The caster may now cast the spell on up to one other target.

7: The caster may now cast the spell on up to two other targets.

9: The caster may now cast the spell on up to three other targets.

11: The caster may now cast the spell on up to four other targets.

13: The caster may now cast the spell on up to five other targets.

15: Rebreathe is now an aura with a range of 25 feet.

17: The range of the aura is now 50 feet.

20: The range of the aura is now 100 feet.

Sense Toxin

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

The caster has gained the ability to sense the many harmful toxins that can corrupt one's bloodstream and regard them for what they are.

3: The caster must be touching the desired tested target to sense toxins

5: The caster can readily perceive and sense the toxins in anyone's bloodstream in the range of their senses.

Tidal Wave

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: X

Casting Range: 100

The caster summons a wave rushing onwards toward the targets from the caster. It is a rectangle that is X times ten feet in length, X feet tall, and 5 feet wide. The wave does not stop until it reaches the end of its casting range and carries all targets struck with it, as well as applying a Knockdown. Every target struck must roll a Normal Agility check in order to be unaffected. This spell only affects targets as follows:

Tiny: X is 1 or greater.

Small: X is 3 or greater.

Medium: X is 5 or greater.

Large: X is 7 or greater.

Giant: X is 9 or greater.

3: The wave originates from the caster in a direction of their choosing.

5: Targets must now make a Difficult Agility check to not be affected by the Knockdown and movement effect. 

7: Targets are affected by the spell by way of the following information now: 

Tiny: X is 1 or greater.

Small: X is 2 or greater.

Medium: X is 4 or greater.

Large: X is 6 or greater.

Giant: X is 8 or greater.

9: It is a rectangle that is X times fifteen feet in length, X times two feet tall, and 5 feet wide.

11: The wave originates vertically from the anywhere within the caster's casting range in a direction of their choosing.

13: Targets must now make an Impossible Agility check to not be affected by the Knockdown and movement effect. 

15: Targets are affected by the spell by way of the following information now: 

Tiny: X is 1 or greater.

Small: X is 1 or greater.

Medium: X is 3 or greater.

Large: X is 5 or greater.

Giant: X is 7 or greater.

17: It is a rectangle that is X times twenty feet in length, X times three feet tall, and 5 feet wide.

20: Targets must now roll a critical success to not be affected by the Knockdown and movement effect. 

Tier 4

Liquid Walk

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster may walk upon liquid surfaces as if they were solid.

4: The caster may imbue this effect upon one other target they are touching.

6: The caster may now imbue this effect upon one other target in visual range.

8: The caster may now imbue this effect upon two other targets in visual range.

10: The caster may now imbue this effect upon four other targets in visual range.

12: The caster may now imbue this effect upon eight other targets in visual range.

14: The caster may now imbue this effect upon sixteen other targets in visual range.

16: The caster may now imbue this effect upon thirty-two other targets in visual range.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

A clear, viscous oil spews forth, originating from the caster and forming a pool of specified radius. This Oil can be set on fire, applying the effect Enflamed to anything covered in it. If a target moves through an area where this oil is on the ground, they must make a difficult Agility check to not be affected by Knockdown.

4: The Oil settles in a 5 foot radius.

6: The Oil settles in a 10 foot radius.

8: The Oil settles in a 15 foot radius.

10: The Oil settles in a 20 foot radius.

12: The Oil settles in a 25 foot radius.

14: The Oil settles in a 30 foot radius. If a target moves through an area where this oil is on the ground, they must make an impossible Agility check to not be affected by Knockdown.

16: The Oil settles in a 35 foot radius.

18: The Oil settles in a 40 foot radius.

20: The Oil settles in a 60 foot radius.


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: Variable

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster summons liquid into the lungs of the target, causing them to Suffocate so long as the spell is active. Depending on the size category of the target, the spell has different delay.

Tiny: 1(1)

Small: 1(1)

Medium: 3(3)

Large: 5(5)

Giant: 9(9)

This spell has no effect on Titanic creatures

4: Applies Suffocate to a single target, unless the target succeeds in a Normal Focus check.

6: Applies Suffocate to two targets, unless those targets succeed on a Normal Focus check.

8: Applies Suffocate to a single target, unless the target succeeds in an Difficult Focus check.

10: Drown now takes two total less delay to cast and upkeep, not going less than one delay

12: While Drown is cast upon a target, the target now loses one delay from their turn

14: Suffocate is applied unless the target now makes a difficult Focus check

16: Drown now takes three total less delay to cast and upkeep, not going less than one delay. Targets now lose two delay from their turns

18: Suffocate is applied unless the target now makes an impossible Focus check. Targets now lose three delay from their turns

20:  Drown now takes four total less delay to cast and upkeep, not going less than one delay.  Targets now lose four delay from their turns

High-Pressure Jet

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100

The caster projects a thin, eviscerating jet of liquid toward the target. They deal 6d4 damage to a single target. They must then choose how many body parts will be struck. To determine how much damage is dealt to each body part, they divide the total number of damage dice by the number of body parts chosen. They may only choose to target as many body parts as would produce a whole number as a result. If they choose 1, it deals Piercing damage. If they choose more than 1, it deals Slashing damage. 

4: The caster deals 6d4 damage to a single target.

6: This spell now only costs 3 delay. 

8: The caster now deals 7d4 damage.

10: The caster may now choose body parts on two neighboring targets.

12: This spell now only costs 2 delay. 

14: The caster now deals 8d4 damage.

16: The caster may specify that the jet originates from anywhere, facing any direction within the casting range.

18: The caster may now choose body parts on three neighboring targets.

20: The caster now deals 10d4 damage.

Tier 5


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster imbues the target with an increase in their AGI statistic and all skills underneath it for the duration that the spell is sustained on them. May exceed cap.

5: +1 to AGI and all skills under it.

7: +2 to AGI and all skills under it.

9: Delay is now 3

11: +3 to AGI and all skills under it.

13: +4 to AGI and all skills under it. 

15: Delay is now 2.

17: +5 to AGI and all skills under it.


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

When the caster uses this spell, depending on how much delay they spend on it during their turn, they will be able to reroute some amount of damage during the turns of other characters to a new source before it has been dealt. Choose location on the new target.

5: For each delay spent, the caster may reroute 1 damage.

7: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 2 damage.

9: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 3 damage.

11: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 4 damage.

13: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 5 damage.

15: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 6 damage.

17: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 7 damage.

20: For each delay spent, the caster may now reroute up to 10 damage.


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(2)

Casting Range: 100

The caster chooses a target. That target must now roll a Focus check every time they wish to act. If they fail, they spend the delay but do not act.

5: The target must succeed on an Easy Focus check every time they wish to act.

7: The target must succeed on an Easy Focus check every time they wish to act.

9: The target must succeed on an Easy Focus check every time they wish to act.

11: The target must succeed on an Easy Focus check every time they wish to act. Delay is now 3(2).

13: The target must succeed on an Normal Focus check every time they wish to act.

15: The target must succeed on an Normal Focus check every time they wish to act. Delay is now 3(1).

17: The target must succeed on a Difficult Focus check every time they wish to act.

20: The target must succeed on an Impossible Focus check every time they wish to act.

Nitric Liquid

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 5

Casting Range: 100

The caster may summon forth an explosive liquid in 5 foot by 5 foot squares. The caster may choose to detonate the liquid at any point during anyone’s turn. The caster may choose to detonate any 5 foot by 5 foot square when they declare it.

5: 1d4 Vibration damage. 

7: 2d4+1 Vibration damage. 

9: 4d4+2 Vibration damage. 

11: 4d4+3 Vibration damage. Roll a d6. If you roll a 1, their whole body is inflicted with Enflame.

13: 8d4+4 Vibration damage. 

15: 8d4+5 Vibration damage. Roll a d6. If you roll a 1 or a 2, their whole body is inflicted with Enflame.

17: 16d4+6 Vibration damage. 

20: 32d4+8 Vibration damage. Roll a d6. If you roll a 1,2, or 3, their whole body is inflicted with two stacks of Enflame.

Tier 6


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 5

Casting Range: 100

When this spell is declared, the caster chooses a target for damage and a target for healing. 

6: Roll a 1d4, the damage recipient takes that much in Liquid damage to all body parts and the healed recipient heals that much to all body parts.

8: Roll a 1d6, the damage recipient takes that much in Liquid damage to all body parts and the healed recipient heals that much to all body parts.

10: Roll a 1d8, the damage recipient takes that much in Liquid damage to all body parts and the healed recipient heals that much to all body parts.

12: The delay to cast Siphon is now only 4.

14: Roll a 1d10, the damage recipient takes that much in Liquid damage to all body parts and the healed recipient heals that much to all body parts.

16: Roll a 1d12, the damage recipient takes that much in Liquid damage to all body parts and the healed recipient heals that much to all body parts.

18: The delay to cast Siphon is now only 3.

20: Roll a 1d20, the damage recipient takes that much in Liquid damage to all body parts and the healed recipient heals that much to all body parts.


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 6(6 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster drains the target’s body of its essential fluids, withering them and weakening their ability to meet all tasks. The target may make a Focus check to resist the spell every turn it is affecting them. Every turn it is applied, the effect stacks. If STR, CON, or AGI reach zero, the target dies.

6: -1 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased. Target can resist with an Easy Focus or Willpower check.

8: -2 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased.

10: -3 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased. Target can resist with a Normal Focus or Willpower check.

12: -4 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased.

14: -5 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased.

16: -6 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased. Target can resist with a Difficult Focus or Willpower check.

18: -7 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased.

20: -8 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS until the spell is ceased. Target can resist with an Impossible Focus or Willpower check.

Hellish Adhesive

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the Liquid user pours out a stream of extremely sticky glue from their fingertip.  If anything comes in contact with the glue, it is adhered to whatever surface is in mutual contact.  

6: Target must make a STR check to remove themselves from the adhesive.

8: Target must make a difficult STR check to remove themselves from the adhesive.

10: Target must make an impossible STR check to remove themselves from the adhesive.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster remove a stack of: Dependence, Lycanthropy, Vampirism, Alcohol, Sleeping Tincture, Goda Spore, Golia, Terrin, Aleworms, Bestel, and Heartreaver. If there is only one stack of the affliction, it is completely cured with one check.

Tier 7


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

The target that has this effect sustained on them can have the leftover physical delay from their turn redistributed to another target with this effect sustained on them at the whim of the caster. 

7: Synergy can transfer delay between two characters.

8: Synergy can transfer delay between three characters.

9: Synergy can transfer delay between four characters.

11: Synergy can transfer delay between five characters.

13: Synergy now only costs 1 delay.

15: Synergy can now be cast as an aura that affects all targets in a 20 foot radius. Any target within this radius can now have leftover delay transferred between them.

17: The radius of Synergy as an aura is now 40 feet.

20: The radius of Synergy as an aura is now 80 feet.

Magma Blast

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100

A 15 foot wide and 20 feet long cone of flowing magma explodes forth from in front of the caster, hitting all targets inside in random body parts. Every body part that is hit is affected with Enflame.

7: Deals 4d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

9: Deals 5d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

11: Deals 6d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

13: Deals 7d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

15: Deals 8d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

17: Deals 9d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

20: Deals 10d4 Fire Damage. Each target rolls for location three times. Can stack.

Freezing Rain

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(3 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster summons forth a deluge of ultra-cold liquid within 40 feet which causes the things it comes in contact with to freeze solid, dealing damage and deducting delay. If the target’s delay goes to zero, they are frozen solid and go straight to Serious on all body parts. Radius of the spell is 30 feet.

7: Deals 1d20 Cold damage. Deducts 1 delay.

9: Deducts 2 delay.

11: Deducts 3 delay.

13: Deducts 4 delay.

15: Now only costs 3(3 per turn) to cast.

17: Now only costs 3(2 per turn) to cast.

20: Deal 2d20 Cold damage. Deducts 5 delay. Now only costs 2(2 per turn) to cast.

Control Liquid

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(1 per turn) for every change

Casting Range: 100

The caster may specify a change in any listed value or dimension (except for delay) listed on any spell used by the caster. 

6: Can change 5 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage.

8: Can change 10 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

10: Can change 15 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 2 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

12: Can change 20 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 2 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

14: Can change 25 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 3 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

16: Can change 30 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 3 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

18: Can change 35 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 4 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

20: Can change 50 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 5 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage

Tier 8 


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: X

Casting Range: 100

The caster may spend X magical delay and then roll that many d4. Every time one of those d4 rolls a 4, the caster gets one counter that they can place on any target in their perception. If they choose an X of 10 or greater, gain a counter for every 3 or 4. When the target rolls, they may spend a counter and reroll the check.


Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 5

Casting Range: 100

The caster turns into a liquid and can traverse any space that a flowing liquid would be able. If the liquid that the caster is occupying changes phases, the caster re-materializes. All casting is at a difficult check while in this form. To find your speed, refer to the chart for AGI and use your MAG primary instead. Traveling using this spell spends your physical delay. The caster can only be harmed by Cold, Fire, Heat, or Plasma damage while in this form. Any damage taken in this form is taken to the caster’s entire body.

8: Can use Liquidform

10: Delay of Liquidform is now 4.

12: Delay of Liquidform is now 3.

14: Delay of Liquidform is now 2.

16: Delay of Liquidform is now 1.


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 10(10)

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster may regrow limbs gradually over several turns.

Stage 1: Limb now has 1 max health.

Stage 2: Limb now has max health calculated for Slight category.

Stage 3: Limb now has max health calculated for Serious category.

Stage 4: Limb now has max health calculated for Critical category.

8: Roll two d10, add them together, then add the caster's MAG modifier. If that number is equal to or greater than the health of the severed limb, restore it through one more stage.


12: Roll two d12 add them together, then add the caster's MAG modifier. If that number is equal to or greater than the health of the severed limb, restore it through one more stage.


16: Roll two d20 add them together, then add the caster's MAG modifier. If that number is equal to or greater than the health of the severed limb, restore it through one more stage.


20: Roll two d20 add them together, then add the caster's MAG modifier. If that number is equal to or greater than the health of the severed limb, restore it through one more stage. The progression of this spell now starts on Stage 2.

Tier 9

Exploding Globule

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100

Radius: 10

The caster rolls to summon forth a globe of nitroglycerine and may choose to spend extra delay in order to increase its effects. They may then roll a subsequent Magic check to launch it to a location within 100 feet for 1 additional delay. For each additional delay, the effects are listed in each rank. When any target is hit by this spell, they roll a d6, and if they roll a 1, 2, or 3, their whole body is inflicted with Enflame. Every extra delay spent into preparing this spell increases its blast radius by 5 feet.

9: 3 delay: 1d4 Vibration damage

4 delay: 2d4 Vibration damage

5 delay: 3d6 Vibration damage

6 delay: 4d6 Vibration damage

7 delay: 5d8 Vibration damage

8 delay: 6d8 Vibration damage

9 delay: 7d10 Vibration damage

10 delay: 8d10 Vibration damage

11 delay: 9d20 Vibration damage

12 delay: 10d20 Vibration damage

11: 3 delay: 2d4 Vibration damage

4 delay: 3d4 Vibration damage

5 delay: 4d6 Vibration damage

6 delay: 5d6 Vibration damage

7 delay: 6d8 Vibration damage

8 delay: 7d8 Vibration damage

9 delay: 8d10 Vibration damage

10 delay: 9d10 Vibration damage

11 delay: 10d20 Vibration damage

12 delay: 11d20 Vibration damage

13: 3 delay: 3d4 Vibration damage

4 delay: 4d4 Vibration damage

5 delay: 5d6 Vibration damage

6 delay: 6d6 Vibration damage

7 delay: 7d8 Vibration damage

8 delay: 8d8 Vibration damage

9 delay: 9d10 Vibration damage

10 delay: 10d10 Vibration damage

11 delay: 11d20 Vibration damage

12 delay: 12d20 Vibration damage

15: 3 delay: 4d4 Vibration damage

4 delay: 5d4 Vibration damage

5 delay: 6d6 Vibration damage

6 delay: 7d6 Vibration damage

7 delay: 8d8 Vibration damage

8 delay: 9d8 Vibration damage

9 delay: 10d10 Vibration damage

10 delay: 11d10 Vibration damage

11 delay: 12d20 Vibration damage

12 delay: 13d20 Vibration damage

17: 3 delay: 5d4 Vibration damage

4 delay: 6d4 Vibration damage

5 delay: 7d6 Vibration damage

6 delay: 8d6 Vibration damage

7 delay: 9d8 Vibration damage

8 delay: 10d8 Vibration damage

9 delay: 11d10 Vibration damage

10 delay: 12d10 Vibration damage

11 delay: 13d20 Vibration damage

12 delay: 14d20 Vibration damage

20: 3 delay: 6d4 Vibration damage

4 delay: 7d4 Vibration damage

5 delay: 8d6 Vibration damage

6 delay: 9d6 Vibration damage

7 delay: 10d8 Vibration damage

8 delay: 11d8 Vibration damage

9 delay: 12d10 Vibration damage

10 delay: 13d10 Vibration damage

11 delay: 14d20 Vibration damage

12 delay: 15d20 Vibration damage

Tier 10

Null (Liquid)

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 2(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster receives less damage from any source of damage that originates from gas.

10: -5 to all damage taken from gases. 

12: -10 to all damage taken from gases.  

14: -20 to all damage taken from gases.  

16: -40 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 2(2 per turn)

18: -80 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 3(2 per turn)

20: -160 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 4(2 per turn)

Ascension (Liquid)

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

The caster ascends into a pure manifestation of their element, able to wield their phase with a newly found power. Their element cannot affect them in any harmful way. Every turn the caster must roll a check against their Magic skill to see if their mortal mind is destroyed by their ascended form and their character dies. The caster is impervious to physical damage while Ascended.

While ascended, the Liquidus does not have to pay channeling upkeep costs.

10: The character must roll a Normal check for the first turn, a Difficult check for the second turn, an Impossible check for the third turn, and 1 on all turns after.

12: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third turn, an Impossible check for the fourth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

14: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

16: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth and sixth turns, and 1 on all turns after.

18: The character must roll a Normal check for the first three turns, a Difficult check for the fourth and fifth turns, an Impossible check for the sixth and and seventh turns, and 1 on all turns after.

20: The character must roll a Normal check for the first four turns, a Difficult check for the fifth and sixth turns, an Impossible check for the seventh and and eighth turns, and 1 on all turns after.