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Basic Weapons and Shields


The following document is a record of all of the basic, unmodified versions of the weapons and shields in Nyra. These are the templates that should be altered during crafting and are also the default versions of these weapons that players would recover unless the GM made specific alterations. To find a list of specialized or legendary weapons, see the section Unique Weapons and Shields.

First, we will begin by describing how to read the melee weapons in this section. Take this one for example:

Short Sword

Type: Sword

Category: 3-Delay Cleaving Sword


P: 2d6+2 (4-14)

S: 2d6 (2-12)

C: 3d6 (3-18)

B: N/A

Durability: 20

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 2100 gold

To read this weapon, let us start at the top. In bold is the weapon’s name. Next, its Type tells you what weapon skill a character rolls against in order to use the weapon. Here it would utilize the skill “Swords.” The Category represents a slightly more restricted cross-section that the sword belongs to. If a character sought to gain weapon specialty (outlined in 54a. Skills and Skill Perks), they would choose from one of these categories and would then be restricted to that category for their specialty.

Then there is the weapon’s damage. Damage in Nyra is divided up into four categories that attempt to appropriately encapsulate the different types of swings and motions that are able to be made with weapons. These categories are "Piercing", which represents using a part of the weapon that is pointy, in order to pierce through the enemy, "Cleaving", which represents a perpendicular motion meant to cleave the enemy, "Slashing", which represents using the edge of a sharp blade in order to follow through an attack and eviscerate an enemy, and lastly "Bludgeoning", which represents using the blunt part of a weapon to cause substantial damage by crushing an enemy with it. When a character uses this weapon, they may specify that they are using a strike from any of these categories and they will then use the damage dice listed beside that category to determine calculations. This offers characters flexibility against varying armor types, which have varying resistances to the different types of damage.

After that, you can see the weapon’s durability. This represents the weapon’s resistance to deformation and destruction. If substantially traumatic events take place to the weapon, it may deplete durability. Generally, this will be determined at GM discretion, but there are also certain occasions where specific skills deplete durability directly. If durability reaches zero, the weapon is destroyed beyond repair.

The number beside the category "Delay" represents how many swings a warrior will be able to get with the given weapon. A character starts with a Delay equal to their Agility at the beginning of each combat phase. Therefore, if a character wanted to use their entire combat phase swinging, they could perform as many strikes as AGI/Delay. With the weapon above, because it has 3 delay, a user with 3 AGI could swing it once, a user with 6 AGI could swing it twice, and a user with 9 AGI could swing it three times.

Typically a Delay corresponds to the overall size of the weapon. As some examples:

2: Unarmed, Very small blades

3: Knives, Smallswords

4: Longswords, Polearms 

5: Greatswords, Pikes, Greataxes

The category titled “modifier” is factored in when calculating damage with this weapon. A user will also add the appropriate modifier for the listed primary statistic to their damage when doing calculations. So for this weapon, if a user had 6 STR, they would add +3 damage to their swings.

The next number represents the weight and balance of the given weapon by giving a criteria for how much strength a user must have in order to wield the weapon. If a user had 2 STR, they would not be able to wield this weapon, if they had anything 3 or more, this weapon would be accessible.

Lastly, we have included an average price for the item as guidance for the GM and to build expectations for the player. This could be greater or lesser depending on the area it is being bought and its rarity to the people who are selling it. 

This is the rubric:












STR Req.:

Average Price:

Next, we will analyze some ranged weapons, given that they sometimes have unique descriptions. Let us begin with: 

Compound Bow

Type: Archery

Category: 3-Delay Bow

Damage: 3d6 (3-18)

Range: 200 ft-400ft.

Durability: 25 

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Arrow

Average Price: 175 gold

One will notice that many of the same categories exist and some have been changed. For example, there is not a stipulation for what kind of damage the bow does. For ranged weapons, this will be decided by its ammo. The user will specify to the GM what kind of ammo they would like to use for a strike before rolling it. The type of ammo that the weapon uses is also listed below beside the category “ammo.”

There is also a category for Range for ranged weapons. If firing at half of the maximum distance or less, it should be considered a Normal check. If higher than that, it is considered a Difficult check. If higher than the maximum range, an Impossible check.

Let us observed some other examples:

Pull Crossbow

Type: Marksmanship

Category: 4-Delay Crossbow

Damage: 3d8+2 (5-26)

Range: 350ft.

Durability: 30

Delay: 3(1)

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Bolt

Average Price: 185 gold

The thing we want to point out here is the difference in how the Delay is notated. Using this weapon as an example, it should be read “this weapon takes 3 delay to load and 1 delay to fire.” This means that a character can feasibly load the weapon, fire it, then load it again, allowing them to fire it as the first action in the next turn. Also notice that the Pull Crossbow does not use Arrows, it uses Bolts, which have different damage characteristics.

Lastly, let us observe slings:


Type: Marksmanship

Category: Sling

Damage: 1d4-1d6-1d10 (3-20)

Range: 250ft.

Durability: 10

Delay: 2-3-4

Modifier: CON

STR Req.:

Ammo: Stone/Projectiles

Average Price: 35 gold

One will notice that the delay and the damage are notated differently here. It should be read as “if the user spends 2 Delay, they do 1d4, if they spend 3 Delay, they do 1d4+1d6, if they spend 4 Delay, they do 1d4+1d6+1d10.” This represents the character getting the sling to differing velocities and allows the weapon to be versatile.

Also, note that the Ammo is not only limited to Stones, it can also be used to thrown any Thrown Weapon that has “projectile” in its category. This makes slings useful for Engineer characters especially, given that they may load them with various explosives.

Lastly, on one’s equipment sheet, they will find another category that is not stipulated here: Traits. Traits represent both the particular Flaws and the particular beneficial qualities that a weapon may have. 

This concludes the general overview of weapon notation. Following is a list of the base weapons in Nyra and is not all inclusive. GM’s are encouraged to generate new weapons based on the ones listed below while attempting to maintain general balance. The weapons below, except in specific circumstances, have no traits included and should be considered the base weapons. 


Short Sword

Type: Sword

Category: 3-Delay Cleaving Sword


P: 2d6+2 (4-14)

S: 2d6 (2-12)

C: 3d6 (3-18)

B: N/A

Durability: 20

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 2100 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 3-Delay Slashing Sword


P: 2d6+2 (4-14)

S: 3d6 (3-18)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 20

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2100 gold

Small Sword

Type: Sword

Category: 3-Delay Piercing Sword


P: 3d6+3 (5-21)

S: 1d6 (1-6)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 20

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 350 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 3-Delay Mixed Sword


P: N/A

S: 3d6 (3-18)

C: 2d10 (2-20)

B: N/A

Durability: 20

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 1750 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 4-Delay Cleaving Sword


P: 1d6 (1-6)

S: 3d6+2 (5-20)

C: 3d8+2 (5-26)

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 175 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 4-Delay Slashing Sword


P: 2d8 (2-16)

S: 3d8+2 (5-26)

C: 1d8 (1-8)

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 85 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 4-Delay Mixed Sword


P: 3d8+1 (4-25)

S: 2d8 (2-16)

C: 3d8+1 (4-25)

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 125 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 4-Delay Piercing Sword


P: 3d8+4 (7-28)

S: 1d4 (1-4)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 85 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 5-Delay Cleaving Sword


P: 2d10+4 (6-24)

S: 2d8+4 (6-20)

C: 3d10+4 (7-34)

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 5

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 850 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 5-Delay Piercing Sword


P: 3d10+4 (7-34)

S: 2d10+2 (4-24)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 850 gold


Type: Sword

Category: 5-Delay Slashing Sword


P: 2d10+4 (6-24)

S: 3d10+4 (7-34)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 25

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 850 gold



Type: Axe

Category: 3-Delay Cleaving Axe


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: 3d6+4 (6-22)

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 75 gold


Type: Axe

Category: 3-Delay Piercing Axe


P: 3d6+4 (6-22)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 65 gold


Type: Axe

Category: 3-Delay Slashing Axe


P: N/A

S: 3d6+4 (6-22)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 65 gold


Type: Axe

Category: 3-Delay Mixed Axe


P: 2d6+4 (6-16)

S: N/A

C: 3d6+2 (6-22)

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 75 gold

Bearded Axe

Type: Axe

Category: 4-Delay Cleaving Axe


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: 3d8+5 (5-26)

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 170


Type: Axe

Category: 4-Delay Piercing Axe


P: 3d8+5 (5-26)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 1d4+2(4-10)

Durability: 50

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 220


Type: Axe

Category: 4-Delay Mixed Axe


P: 2d8+5 (7-21)

S: N/A

C: 3d8+3 (6-25)

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 170

Pendulum Axe

Type: Axe

Category: 5-Delay Mixed Axe


P: 2d10 (1-10)

S: 3d10 (3-10)

C: 3d10+5 (8-35)

B: N/A

Durability: 50

Delay: 5

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2780 gold


Type: Axe

Category: 5-Delay Cleaving Axe


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: 3d10+6 (9-36)

B: N/A

Durability: 50


Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 7

Average Price: 3050 gold


Type: Axe

Category: 5-Delay Slashing Axe


P: N/A

S: 3d10+6 (9-36)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 50


Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 7

Average Price: 3050 gold


Type: Axe

Category: 5-Delay Piercing Axe


P: 3d10+6 (9-36)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 50


Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 7

Average Price: 3050 gold


Spiked Club

Type: Club

Category: 3-Delay Piercing Club


*P: 1d6+3 (6-21)

S: N/A

C: N/A

*B: 2d6 (6-21)

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 25 gold

*add Piercing and Bludgeoning categories together for damage on a strike. Use whatever armor reduction is least for damage calculations.


Type: Club

Category: 3-Delay Bludgeoning Club


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d6+2 (6-22)

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 50 gold

Military Hammer

Type: Club

Category: 3-Delay Mixed Club


P: 2d6+3 (5-15)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d6 (3-18)

Durability: 50

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 76 gold

Flanged Mace

Type: Club

Category: 4-Delay Bludgeoning Club


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d8+4 (5-24)

Durability: 50

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 76 gold


Type: Club

Category: 4-Delay Mixed Club


P: 2d8+3 (5-21)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d8+1 (4-25)

Durability: 30

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 135 gold

Spiked Mace 

Type: Club

Category: 4-Delay Piercing Club


*P: 1d8+3 (6-27)

S: N/A

C: N/A

*B: 2d8 (6-27)

Durability: 50

Delay: 4

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Average Price: 165 gold

*add Piercing and Bludgeoning categories together for damage on a strike. Use whatever armor reduction is least for damage calculations.


Type: Club

Category: 5-Delay Bludgeoning Club


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d10+6 (9-36)

Durability: 50


Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 7

Average Price: 2130 gold

Spiked Greatmaul

Type: Club

Category: 5-Delay Piercing Club


*P: 1d10+5 (7-35)

S: N/A

C: N/A

*B: 2d10 (7-35)

Durability: 50


Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 7

Average Price: 3050 gold

*add Piercing and Bludgeoning categories together for damage on a strike. Use whatever armor reduction is least for damage calculations.

Great Warhammer

Type: Club

Category: 5-Delay Mixed Club


P: 3d10+3 (6-33)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d10+5 (8-35)

Durability: 50


Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 7

Average Price: 2130 gold

Unarmed (Strikes)


Type: Unarmed (Strikes)

Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning (2-8)

Durability: Limb Damage

Delay: 2

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 1


Type: Unarmed (Strikes)

Damage: 2d6+3 Bludgeoning (5-15)

Durability: Limb Damage

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.:

Fist Pack

Type: Unarmed (Strikes)


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 2d4+1 (4-10)

Durability: 15

Delay: 2

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 2

Average Price: 5 gold

Knuckle Duster

Type: Unarmed (Strikes)


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 2d4+2 (4-10)

Durability: 15

Delay: 2

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 2

Average Price: 25 gold

Spiked Knuckles

Type: Unarmed (Strikes)


P: 2d4+2 (4-10)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 2

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 2

Average Price: 25 gold


Type: Unarmed (Strikes)


P: N/A

S: 2d6+2 (4-14)

C: 3d6 (3-18)

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 2

Average Price: 75 gold


Type: Unarmed (Strikes)


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d6 (3-18)

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 2

Average Price: 75 gold


Type: Unarmed (Kicks)


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 3d6 (3-18)

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: STR

STR Req.: 2

Average Price: 75 gold

*Is attached to the feet, does not replace leg armor


Repeating Crossbow

Type: Archery

Category: 2-Delay Crossbow

Damage: 1d8 (1-8)

Range: 25ft.

Durability: 25

Delay: 2

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.: 3

Ammo: Small Bolt

Average Price: 300 gold

Compound Bow

Type: Archery

Category: 3-Delay Bow

Damage: 3d6 (3-18)

Range: 50ft.

Durability: 25 

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Arrow

Average Price: 175 gold


Type: Archery

Category: 4-Delay Bow

Damage: 3d8 (3-24)

Range: 100ft.

Durability: 25 

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Arrow

Average Price: 275 gold


Type: Archery

Category: 5-Delay Bow

Damage: 4d10+6 (3-24)

Range: 150ft.

Durability: 25

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 7

Ammo: Arrow

Average Price: 700 gold

Pull Crossbow

Type: Archery

Category: 4-Delay Crossbow

Damage: 3d8+7 (5-26)

Range: 100 ft.

Durability: 30

Delay: 3(1)

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Bolt

Average Price: 185 gold

Crankshaft Crossbow

Type: Archery

Category: 5-Delay Crossbow

Damage: 3d10+8 (8-35)

Range: 150 ft.

Durability: 35

Delay: 4(1)

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Bolt

Average Price: 300 gold

Siege Crossbow

Type: Archery

Category: 6-Delay Crossbow

Damage: 3d20+10 (3-60)

Range: 200ft.

Durability: 35

Delay: 5(1)

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Ammo: Siege Bolts

Average Price: 700 gold


Black Powder Pistol

Type: Marksmanship

Category: 5-Delay Firearm

Damage: 1d20+15 (16-35)

Range: 50 ft.


Delay: 4(1)

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.:

Ammo: Bullet/Shot

Average Price: 3200 gold

Black Powder Rifle

Type: Marksmanship

Category: 6-Delay Firearm

Damage: 2d20+20 (22-60)

Range: 100 ft.


Delay: 5(1)

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.: 5

Ammo: Bullet/Shot

Average Price: 5600 gold


Bodkin Arrow

Damage: Piercing damage

Average Price: 3 Gold

Broadhead Arrow

Damage: Slashing damage

Average Price: 3 Gold


Damage: Piercing damage

Average Price: 1 Denar

Wedge Arrow

Damage: Cleaving damage

Average Price: 3 Gold

Heavyhead Arrow

Damage: Bludgeoning damage

Average Price: 3 Gold

Small Bolt

Damage: 3 Piercing damage

Average Price: 2 Gold


Damage: 5 Piercing damage

Average Price: 3 Gold

Siege Bolt

Damage: 10 Piercing damage

Average Price: 4 Gold


Damage: 4 Piercing damage

Average Price: 1 Gold


Damage: 2d4 Piercing damage

Average Price: 2 Gold


Damage: 3 Bludgeoning damage

Average Price: N/A

Ballista Bolt

Damage: 20 Piercing damage

Average Price: N/A

Small Cannonball

Damage: 10 Bludgeoning damage

Average Price: N/A


Damage: 20 Bludgeoning damage

Average Price: N/A

Large Cannonball

Damage: 30 Bludgeoning damage

Average Price: N/A

Throwing Weapons

Throwing Knife

Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 2-Delay Piercing Thrown Weapon

Damage: 1d8 Piercing (1-8)

Range: 45 ft.

Durability: 5

Delay: 2

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2 gold

Black Powder Bomb

Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 2-Delay Engineer Projectile

Damage: 2d20 Fire (2-40)

Range: 45 ft.

Durability: 2

Delay: 1-1

Modifier: N/A

STR Req: 2

Average Price: 250 Gold


Type: Throwing Weapons

Damage: 1d6+ AGI mod 

Range: 75ft.

Durability: 10

Delay: 1(1)

Modifier: Agi

STR Req.:

Ammo: Dart

Special: Using this weapon does not break stealth

Average Price: 3 Denar


Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 2-Delay Miscellaneous Projectile

Damage: N/A

Range: 40ft.

Durability: 5

Delay: 2

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.: 5

Traits: Entrapment x2

Average Price: 15 gold


Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 3-Delay Slashing Thrown Weapon

Damage: 3d6 Slashing (3-18)

Range: 45 ft.

Durability: 5

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 5 gold

Throwing Axe

Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 3-Delay Cleaving Thrown Weapon

Damage: 3d6 Cleaving (3-18)

Range: 45 ft.

Durability: 5

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 5 gold


Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 3-Delay Piercing Thrown Weapon

Damage: 3d6 Piercing (3-18)

Range: 45 ft.

Durability: 5

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2 gold

Rope Net

Type: Throwing Weapons

Category: 3-Delay Miscellaneous Projectile

Damage: N/A

Range: 20ft.

Durability: 20

Delay: 5

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.: 5

Traits: Entrapment x3

Average Price: 15 gold


Type: Thrown Weapons 

Category: Sling

Damage: 1d4-1d6-1d10 (3-20)

Range: 250ft.

Durability: 10

Delay: 2-3-4

Modifier: CON

STR Req.:

Ammo: Stone/Projectiles

Average Price: 35 gold


Hafted Cleaver

Type: Polearm

Category: 3-Delay Cleaving Polearm


P: N/A (2-12)

S: 1d6+3 (4-9)

C: 3d6 (3-18)

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 25 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 3-Delay Mixed Polearm


P: 2d6 (2-12)

S: 1d6+3 (4-9)

C: 2d6+4 (6-16)

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 25 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 3-Delay Piercing Polearm


P: 3d6 (3-18)

S: 1d6 (1-6)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 25 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 3-Delay Slashing Polearm


P: N/A

S: 3d6 (3-18)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 45 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 4-Delay Cleaving Polearm


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: 3d8+2 (5-26)

B: 1d8+3 (4-11)

Durability: 35

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 1700 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 4-Delay Piercing Polearm


P: 3d8+2 (5-26)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: 1d8+3 (4-11)

Durability: 35

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 1700 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 4-Delay Slashing Polearm


P: 2d8 (2-16)

S: 3d8+2 (5-26)

C: 1d8+3 (4-11)

B: 1d8+1 (2-9)

Durability: 35

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 1700 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 4-Delay Mixed Polearm


P: N/A

S: 3d8+1 (4-25)

C: 3d8+1 (4-25)

B: 1d8+3 (4-11)

Durability: 35

Delay: 4

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 4

Average Price: 1700 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 5-Delay Piercing Polearm


P: 3d10+5 (8-35)

S: N/A

C: N/A 

B: 1d10 (1-10)

Durability: 15

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2050 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 5-Delay Cleaving Polearm


P: N/A

S: 2d10 (2-20)

C: 3d10+4 (7-34) 

B: 1d10 (1-10)

Durability: 15

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2050 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 5-Delay Slashing Polearm


P: N/A

S: 3d10+4 (7-34)

C: 2d10 (2-20) 

B: 1d10 (1-10)

Durability: 15

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2050 gold


Type: Polearm

Category: 5-Delay Mixed Polearm


P: 2d10+4 (6-24)

S: 1d10 (2-20)

C: 3d10+4 (7-34)

B: 1d10 (1-10)

Durability: 15

Delay: 5

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 2050 gold

Small Blades

Skinning Knife

Type: Small Blades

Category: 2-Delay Miscellaneous Small Blade


P: 1d6 (1-6)

S: 1d6 (1-6)

C: N/A

B: 1d4 (1-4)

Durability: 10

Delay: 2

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 1

Traits: Skinning

Average Price: 10 gold


Type: Small Blades

Category: 2-Delay Piercing Small Blade


P: 1d8+2 (3-10)

S: N/A

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 17

Delay: 2

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 10 gold


Type: Small Blades

Category: 2-Delay Slashing Small Blade


P: N/A

S: 1d8+2 (3-10)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 17

Delay: 2

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 15 gold


Type: Small Blades

Category: 2-Delay Mixed Small Blade


P: 1d8+1 (2-9)

S: 1d8+1 (2-9)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 2

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 20 gold


Type: Small Blades

Category: 3-Delay Mixed Small Blade


P: 1d6 (1-6)

S: N/A

C: 2d6+3 (5-15)

B: 1d6 (1-6)

Durability: 17

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 35 gold


Type: Small Blades

Category: 3-Delay Cleaving Small Blade


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: 3d6 (3-18)

B: N/A

Durability: 17

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 35 gold


Type: Small Blades

Category: 3-Delay Piercing Small Blade


P: 3d4+4 (7-16)

S: 2d6+2 (4-14)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.:

Average Price: 25 gold


Type: Small-Blades

Category: 3-Delay Slashing Small Blade


P: 1d6 (1-6)

S: 3d6 (3-18)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 20

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 115 gold



Type: Small Shield

Pre-Block Locations: Wielding Arm


P: -10

S: -12

C: -8

B: -4

Durability: 75

Delay: Defense

STR Req.: 3

Average Price: 500 denar

Heater Shield

Type: Small Shield

Pre-Block Locations: Wielding Arm, Chest


P: -12

S: -15

C: -12

B: -6

Durability: 100

Delay: Defense

STR Req.: 5

Average Price: 1200 Denar

Round Shield

Type: Large Shield

Pre-Block Locations: Arms, Chest, Head


P: -12

S: -12

C: -10

B: -10

Durability: 50

Delay: Defense

STR Req.: 6

Average Price: 700 denar

Kite Shield

Type: Large Shield

Pre-Block Locations: Arms, Chest, Legs


P: -12

S: -12

C: -10

B: -10

Durability: 50

Delay: Defense

STR Req.: 6

Average Price:

Tower Shield

Type: Large Shield

Pre-Block Locations: All Locations


P: -15

S: -15

C: -10

B: -10

Durability: 80

Delay: Defense

STR Req.: 8

Average Price: 1000 denar



Type: Operate

Damage: 8d20

Range: 1000 feet

Durability: 150  

Delay: 6-2

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.:

Ammo: Ballista Bolt

Effect: The creatures that are pulling this vehicle must have at least 7 combined Strength. If the Ballista is attached to a moving body it moves with it.

Small Cannon

Type: Operate

Damage: 6d20

Range: 250 feet

Durability: 75  

Delay: 5-2

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.:

Ammo: Small Cannonball

Effect: The creatures that are pulling this vehicle must have at least 6 combined Strength. If the Small Cannon is attached to a moving body it moves with it.

Medium Cannon

Type: Operate

Damage: 8d20

Range: 3000 feet

Durability: 175  

Delay: 6-2

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.:

Ammo: Cannonball

Effect: The creatures that are pulling this vehicle must have at least 8 combined Strength. If the Medium Cannon is attached to a moving body it moves with it.

Large Cannon

Type: Operate

Damage: 10d20

Range: 4500 feet

Durability: 300 

Delay: 7-2

Modifier: N/A

STR Req.: 10 

Ammo: Large Cannonball

Effect: The creatures that are pulling this vehicle must have at least 10 combined Strength. If the Large Cannon is attached to a moving body it moves with it.

[Development notes:

2 delay weapons: 1d8 for their highest damage type if they do multiple damage types. If only one, might give a bonus of +2 or so. (1-8 damage, 6-13 with possible 5 modifier from stats) 30-65 with 5 attacks.

Raw Damage median per strike: 4-5

Raw Damage median turn damage (4 AGI): 8-10

Raw Damage median turn damage (6 AGI): 12-15

Raw Damage median turn damage (8 AGI): 16-20

Raw Damage median turn damage (10 AGI): 20-25

Stat Modified Damage median per strike (5 MOD): 9.5-10.5

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (4 AGI): 19-21

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (6 AGI): 28.5-31.5

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (8 AGI): 38-42

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (10 AGI): 47.5-52.5


2d4 for their highest damage type if they do multiple damage types. If only one, might give a bonus of +2 or so. (2-8 damage, 7-13 with possible 5 modifier from stats) 35-70 with 5 attacks.

Raw Damage median per strike: 5-6

Raw Damage median turn damage (4 AGI): 9-12

Raw Damage median turn damage (6 AGI): 15-18

Raw Damage median turn damage (8 AGI): 20-24

Raw Damage median turn damage (10 AGI): 25-30

Stat Modified Damage median per strike (5 MOD): 10.5-11.5

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (4 AGI): 21-23

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (6 AGI): 31.5-34.5

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (8 AGI): 41-45

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (10 AGI): 50.5-55.5

3 delay weapons: 3d6 for their highest damage type if they do multiple damage types. If only one, might give a bonus of +2 or so. (3-18 damage, 8-23 with possible 5 modifier from stats) 24-69 with 3 attacks.

Raw Damage median per strike: 10.5-11.5

Raw Damage median turn damage (6 AGI): 21-23

Raw Damage median turn damage (9 AGI): 31.5-34.5

Stat Modified Damage median per strike (5 MOD): 15.5-16.5

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (6 AGI): 31-33

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (9 AGI): 45-49.5

4 delay weapons: 3d8+2 for their highest damage type if they do multiple damage types. If only one, might give a bonus of +2 or so. (5-26 damage, 10-31 with possible 5 modifier from stats) 20-62 with 2 attacks.

Raw Damage median per strike: 15.5-16.5

Raw Damage median turn damage (8 AGI): 31-33

Stat Modified Damage median per strike (5 MOD): 20.5-21.5

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (8 AGI): 41-43

5 delay weapons: 3d10+4 for their highest damage type if they do multiple damage types. If only one, might give a bonus of +2 or so. (7-34 damage, 12-34 damage, with possible 5 modifier from stats) 34-76 with 2 attacks.

Raw Damage median per strike: 20.5-21.5

Raw Damage median turn damage (10 AGI): 41-43

Stat Modified Damage median per strike (5 MOD): 23-24

Stat Modified Damage median turn damage (10 AGI): 46-48

6 delay weapons: 4d20 for their highest damage type if they do multiple damage types. If only one, might give a bonus of +2 or so. (4-80 damage, 9-85 with possible 5 modifier from stats) ? with 1 attack.

Raw Damage median strike: 42-43

Stat Modified Damage median per strike: 44.5-45.5

End of development notes:]