Known as: Infernai, Firestarter
Tier 1
Sense Infernai
Spell Type: Innate
Casting Range: 100
Taking this spell allows the caster to sense those of their own arcana.
1: Caster can sense Infernai as they touch them
3: Caster can sense Infernai in their immediate perception with a difficult Observation check
5: Caster can sense Infernai in their normal perception with a normal Observation check
Sense Fire
Spell Type: Innate
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster has the ability to perceive plasmas around them within a certain range. But, like all other senses, the caster must make an observation check to notice particular features in their range of perception.
1: May sense any open flame within 10 ft.
3: May sense any open flame within 20 ft.
5: May sense any open flame within 40 ft.
7: May sense any open flame within 80 ft. Can roll to sense the brainwaves of any conscious target within the same range at an impossible check.
9: May sense any open flame within 160 ft.
11: May sense any open flame within 320 ft.
13: May sense any open flame within 640 ft. Can roll to sense the brainwaves of any conscious target within the same range at a difficult check.
15: May sense any open flame within 1280 ft.
17: May sense any open flame within 2560 ft. Can roll to sense the brainwaves of any conscious target within the same range at a normal check.
20: May sense any open flame within 5120 ft.
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 1
Casting Range: 100
This spell allows the caster to create a simple spark, which is capable of igniting most flammable materials.
1: Roll location for the spark. If it makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above, the part is affected with Inflamed.
3: Caster rolls a d2 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed.
5: Caster rolls a d4 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed.
7: Caster rolls a d6 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed and is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
9: Caster rolls a d8 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed and is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
11: Caster rolls a d10 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed and is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
13: Caster rolls a d12 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed and is dealt 2d4 Fire damage.
15: Caster rolls a d20 to see how many sparks they let loose. Roll location for each spark. Each spark that makes contact with a body part that isn’t covered by armor of Medium category or above is affected with Inflamed and is dealt 2d4 Fire damage.
Tier 2
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
The caster may squelch any flame in immediate perception.
Flame Arc
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 50
The caster summons a thin but vicious arc of flames in the air in front of themselves. Can be aimed at a difficult check.
2: Flame Arc deals 2d6 Fire damage to a random location.
4: Now inflicts Inflamed on the target location. Range is now 75.
6: Flame Arc deals 3d6 Fire damage to a random location.
8: Now inflicts Inflamed on any location adjacent to the target location. Range is now 100.
10: Flame Arc deals 4d6 Fire damage to a random location.
12: Now inflicts Inflamed on all target locations. Range is now 125.
14: Flame Arc is now aimed at normal check
16: Flame Arc deals 5d6 Fire damage to an aimed location.
Electrocuting Grasp
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: Self
Electricity surges throughout the caster’s body, deducting delay from anyone who makes contact. If the target’s delay reduction exceeds their cap, the target goes unconscious.
2: 1d4 Plasma damage to whichever enemy body part comes in contact with the caster. Deduct 1 delay from the target.
4: Now deducts 2 delay from the target.
6: Now deducts 3 delay from the target.
8: Now deducts 4 delay from the target.
10: Now deducts 5 delay from the target.
12: Now deducts 6 delay from the target.
14: Now deducts 7 delay from the target.
16: Now deducts 8 delay from the target.
18: Now deducts 9 delay from the target.
20: Now deducts 10 delay from the target.
Tier 3
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
A projectile of flame launches from the caster’s location and explodes on contact with the target.
3: 2d8 Fire Damage is dealt to a random location of the target’s body then 1d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 2 foot radius.
5: 3d8 Fire Damage is dealt to a random location of the target’s body then 1d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 3 foot radius.
7: 4d8 Fire Damage is dealt to a random location of the target’s body then 2d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 4 foot radius.
9: 5d8 Fire Damage is dealt to a random location of the target’s body then 2d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 5 foot radius. Delay: 4
11: 6d8 Fire Damage is dealt to the target’s entire body then 3d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 6 foot radius. Delay: 4
13: 7d8 Fire Damage is dealt to the target’s entire body then 3d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 7 foot radius. Delay: 5
15: 8d8 Fire Damage is dealt to the target’s entire body then 4d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within an 8 foot radius. Delay: 5
17: 9d8 Fire Damage is dealt to the target’s entire body then 4d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 9 foot radius. Delay: 6
20: 10d8 Fire Damage is dealt to the target’s entire body then 5d8 Fire Damage is dealt to all targets within a 10 foot radius. Delay: 6
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 1
Casting Range: 100
A wavering aura of diffuse plasma surrounds the target, preventing the ravages of the cold.
3: -5 to all damage taken from Cold.
5: -10 to all damage taken from Cold.
7: -20 to all damage taken from Cold.
9: -40 to all damage taken from Cold.
11: -80 to all damage taken from Cold.
13: -160 to all damage taken from Cold.
15: -320 to all damage taken from Cold.
17: -640 to all damage taken from Cold.
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
The target is struck into a daze and cannot act unless they make an easy focus check. They may repeat their focus check once per successive turn.
3: May specify two targets for Trance.
5: May specify three targets for Trance now. The delay is 4 for this and all subsequent ranks of Trance.
7: Target must now make a normal focus check to escape Trance.
9: May specify four targets for Trance now.
11: May specify five targets for Trance now. The delay is 5 for this and all subsequent ranks of Trance.
13: Target must now make a difficult focus check to escape Trance.
15: Target must now make an impossible focus check to escape Trance.
17: May specify six targets for Trance now.
20: May specify ten targets for Trance now.
Neon Orb
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 1
Casting Range: Variable
The caster summons a small, luminescent orb of plasma. Neon Orb disappears when disturbed, or when it is no longer perceived by the caster.
3: You summon a single Neon Orb to your hand. The Orb sufficiently lights up a radius 20 ft around itself.
5: You may now summon Neon Orb in an area 20 ft from yourself.
7: You may now summon a total of two Neon Orbs at a maximum 30 ft radius from yourself. It now lights up a 30ft radius
9: You may now summon a total of three Neon Orbs at a maximum 50 ft radius from yourself. It now lights up a 50ft radius
11: You may now summon a total of four Neon Orbs at a maximum 75 ft radius from yourself. It now lights up a 75ft radius
13: You may now summon a total of five Neon Orbs at a maximum 100 ft radius from yourself. It now lights up a 100ft radius
15: May now specify a Neon Orb as a jumping point in the spell Leaping Arc. It doesn’t count as a “target” for the spell in this way. The Orb disappears upon being used as a jumping point.
Tier 4
Scorching Barrier
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 3(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
The caster manifests a wall of consuming flames which deals damage to any target that attempts to pass through them. Every time that the caster rolls a 4 when dealing damage with Scorching Barrier, deal another instance of Inflame to the target.
4: You may create a barrier up to two feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 1d4 Fire damage.
6: You may create a barrier up to five feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 2d4 Fire damage.
8: You may create a barrier up to ten feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 3d4 Fire damage.
10: You may create a barrier up to fifteen feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 4d4 Fire damage.
12: You may create a barrier up to twenty feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 5d4 Fire damage.
14: You may create a barrier up to twenty-five feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 6d4 Fire damage.
16: You may create a barrier up to thirty feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 6d4 Fire damage.
18: You may create a barrier up to thirty-five feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 7d4 Fire damage.
20: You may create a barrier up to forty feet in length. Anyone who passes through the barrier takes 8d4 Fire damage.
Neural Suppression
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 2(2 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
The Infernai dulls the target's consciousness, pushing them from the seat of control and making their actions more distant and feral. If the target is successfully Neural Suppressed, the debuff lasts until they succeed on a competitive focus check against the Infernai’s original roll. This spell can only be cast once on any target.
4: -1 Sequence.
6: -2 Sequence.
8: -3 Sequence.
10: -4 Sequence.
12: -5 Sequence.
14: -6 Sequence.
16: -7 Sequence.
18: -8 Sequence.
20: -9 Sequence.
Tier 5
Leaping Arc
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
The caster fires a bolt of conducting electricity, hitting several targets in a chain. The caster may specify which individual targets are hit in the chain, as long as you have perception of them. Targets cannot be repeated. If a target is wearing Heavy armor, the attack does extra damage.
5: Deals 1d10 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +1 damage. Every time you strike a target, you may specify another target to be struck as long as they are within five feet of the previous target. You may strike up to three targets in total.
7: You may now strike up to four targets in total, as long as they are within seven feet of the previous target.
9: Deals 2d10 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +3 damage. Every time you strike a target, you may specify another target to be struck as long as they are within ten feet of the previous target. You may strike up to five targets in total. Delay: 3
11: You may now strike up to seven targets in total, as long as they are within thirteen feet of the previous target.
13: Deals 3d10 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +6 damage. Every time you strike a target, you may specify another target to be struck as long as they are within sixteen feet of the previous target. You may strike up to ten targets in total. Delay: 4
15: You may now strike up to twelve targets in total, as long as they are within twenty feet of the previous target.
17: Deals 4d10 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +9 damage. Every time you strike a target, you may specify another target to be struck as long as they are within twenty-five feet of the previous target. You may strike up to fifteen targets in total. Delay: 5
20: Deals 5d10 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +12 damage. Every time you strike a target, you may specify another target to be struck as long as they are within thirty feet of the previous target. You may strike up to twenty targets in total. Delay: 6
Thunderous Flash
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
The plasma user conjures and expulses a small ball of pure plasma which delivers a thunderous roar and a flash of light which blinds and deafens targets.
5: All targets in a 20 ft radius looking upon the flash are affected with Blind and those who can hear it are affected with Deafen, for one turn.
7: All targets in a 35ft radius looking upon the flash are affected with Blind and those who can hear it are affected with Deafen, for two turns.
9: All targets in a 50ft radius looking upon the flash are affected with Blind and those who can hear it are affected with Deafen, for three turns.
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 4
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster imbues the target with an increase in their STR statistic and all skills underneath it for the duration that the spell is sustained on them. May exceed soft cap (10).
5: +1 to STR and all skills under it.
7: +2 to STR and all skills under it.
9: Delay is now 3
11: +3 to STR and all skills under it.
13: +4 to STR and all skills under it.
15: Delay is now 2.
17: +5 to STR and all skills under it.
Tier 6
Control Plasma
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 1(1 per turn) for every change
Casting Range: 100
The caster may specify a change in any listed value or dimension (except for delay) listed on any spell used by the caster.
6: Can change 5 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage.
8: Can change 10 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
10: Can change 15 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
12: Can change 20 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
14: Can change 25 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
16: Can change 30 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
18: Can change 35 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
20: Can change 50 feet of dimension per delay. Can add or remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage
Static Armor
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 3
Casting Range: Self
An intense and lingering static electricity ionizes around the caster's body, shocking those who would intrude on the caster’s person into submission. If a target’s sequence being reduced means that they should be acting in the current phase, end their turn and continue when their new sequence comes up. The effects of Static Armor do not stack upon itself.
6: Every time a target comes in contact with the caster, deduct 1 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 1 for one turn.
8: Every time a target comes within 5 ft radius of the caster, deduct 1 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 1 for one turn.
10: Every time a target comes within 5ft radius of the caster, deduct 2delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 2 for one turn.
12: Every time a target comes within 5 ft radius of the caster, deduct 2 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 2 for one turn.
14: Every time a target comes within 10 ft radius of the caster, deduct 3 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 3 for one turn.
16: Every time a target comes within 15 ft radius of the caster, deduct 3 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 3 for one turn.
18: Every time a target comes within 15 ft radius of the caster, deduct 3 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 4 for one turn.
20: Every time a target comes within 20 ft radius of the caster, deduct 4 delay from them and reduce their Sequence by 4 for one turn.
Rain of Fire
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 5(3 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
Flames rain from the sky above the targets, setting fire to all in their path. The land and flammable objects are set ablaze by the torrent, and the flames caused linger on to wreak more havoc upon the battlefield. Inflict Enflamed to every object and every location of every target in the area. If a location is already afflicted with Enflamed, progress it to the next stage.
6: Radius of 3 feet.
8: Radius of 6 feet.
10: Radius of 10 feet.
12: Radius of 15 feet.
14: Radius of 20 feet.
16: Radius of 25 feet.
18: Radius of 30 feet.
20: Radius of 40 feet.
Tier 7
Ruinous Bolt
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
A devastating bolt of lightning blasts forth from the caster’s location, hitting a target in every location. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal extra damage.
7: Deals 1d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +1 damage.
9: Deals 2d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +3 damage.
11: Deals 3d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +7 damage. Delay: 4
13: Deals 4d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +10 damage. Delay: 4
15: Deals 5d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +13 damage. Delay: 5
17: Deals 6d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +16 damage. Delay: 5
20: Deals 8d20 Plasma damage to the target’s entire body. If the target is wearing Heavy armor, deal +20 damage. Delay: 6
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
Every time this spell is cast, the target receives extra physical delay, not to exceed 20. The delay only lasts for the duration of the next turn for the affected player.
7: Add +1 physical delay to the target, but can only be stacked once on a single target.
9: Haste can now be stacked twice on a target.
11: Haste can now be stacked three times on a target.
13: Haste can now be stacked four times on a target.
15: Haste can now be stacked five times on a target.
17: Haste now only costs 1 delay to cast.
19: Haste can now be stacked six times on a target.
20: Haste can now be stacked eight times on a target.
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 4
Casting Range: 100
The caster calls up a pillar of flames below the feet of the victim, bathing them in a roar of fire.
7: Deals 1d12 Fire damage to every target in a 1 foot radius.
9: Deals 2d12 Fire damage to every target in a 2 foot radius.
11: Deals 3d12 Fire damage to every target in a 5 foot radius. Delay: 5
13: Deals 4d12 Fire damage to every target in a 8 foot radius.
15: Deals 5d12 Fire damage to every target in a 12 foot radius.
17: Deals 6d12 Fire damage to every target in a 16 foot radius. Delay: 6
20: Deals 7d12 Fire damage to every target in a 20 foot radius.
Tier 8
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 1 per 25 feet
Casting Range: Self
The caster turns into a bolt of lightning and travels through any non-gaseous medium, re-forming after a particular distance. Must stop using this spell in order to cast other spells.
8: The caster travels 25 feet for every delay spent.
10: The caster travels 50 feet for every delay spent.
12: The caster travels 100 feet for every delay spent.
14: The caster travels 200 feet for every delay spent.
16: The caster travels 300 feet for every delay spent.
18: The caster travels 400 feet for every delay spent.
20: The caster travels 500 feet for every delay spent.
Tier 9
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
Flames burst forth from inside the target’s body, rupturing and incinerating their insides.
9: Roll two d4, multiply them together and deal that much Fire damage to the target’s entire body.
11: Roll two d6, multiply them together and deal that much Fire damage to the target’s entire body. Delay: 3
13: Roll two d8, multiply them together and deal that much Fire damage to the target’s entire body. Delay: 4
15: Roll two d10, multiply them together and deal that much Fire damage to the target’s entire body. Delay: 5
17: Roll two d12, multiply them together and deal that much Fire damage to the target’s entire body. Delay: 6
20: Roll two d20, multiply them together and deal that much Fire damage to the target’s entire body. Delay: 8
Spell Type: Instant
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, a fiery hurricane is summoned into the area in sight.
9: A blazing whirlwind, 45 feet in diameter roars angrily here. To everything inside it, they receive 6d6 to every body part for the duration of when they are inside the maelstrom.
11: Now the maelstrom looks to be a towering tornado of fire, brewing the heat of a sun in the middle. Anyone inside the 130 foot cone up rotating flames is hit with 4d20 of fire damage every turn. It also sucks the air out of the areas surrounding it for about 30 feet. If anyone is inside the radius outside, they begin suffocating. They must make a CON roll every turn to hold their breath, becoming difficult at turn 2 and impossible at turn 5. Suffocation kills over the course of 3 turns and requires a difficult CON check to stay conscious.
Tier 10
Null Plasma
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 2(1 per turn)
Casting Range: Self
The caster receives less damage from any source of damage that originates from Fire, Heat, or Plasma.
10: -40 to all damage taken from Fire, Heat, or Plasma.
12: -80 to all damage taken from Fire, Heat, or Plasma.
14: -160 to all damage taken from Fire, Heat, or Plasma.
16: -320 to all damage taken from Fire, Heat, or Plasma. Delay: 2(2 per turn)
18: -640 to all damage taken from Fire, Heat, or Plasma. Delay: 2(2 per turn)
20: Immune to all damage taken from Fire, Heat, or Plasma. Delay: 3(2 per turn)
Ascension (Plasma)
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 4
The caster ascends into a pure manifestation of their element, able to wield their phase with a newly found power. Their element cannot affect them in any harmful way. Every turn the caster must roll a check against their Magic skill to see if their mortal mind is destroyed by their ascended form and their character dies. The caster is impervious to physical damage while Ascended, and any target within five feet takes 4d4 Fire damage and is afflicted with Enflamed.
While ascended, the Infernai rolls an additional dice every time they roll the highest damage for a given dice type.
10: The character must roll a Normal check for the first turn, a Difficult check for the second turn, an Impossible check for the third turn, and 1 on all turns after.
12: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third turn, an Impossible check for the fourth turn, and 1 on all turns after.
14: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth turn, and 1 on all turns after.
16: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth and sixth turns, and 1 on all turns after.
18: The character must roll a Normal check for the first three turns, a Difficult check for the fourth and fifth turns, an Impossible check for the sixth and and seventh turns, and 1 on all turns after.
20: The character must roll a Normal check for the first four turns, a Difficult check for the fifth and sixth turns, an Impossible check for the seventh and and eighth turns, and 1 on all turns after.