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Traits and Flaws


Traits represent useful abilities that a weapon, armor, or item has. There are two different kinds of Traits: Physical and Magical. A Physical trait is a trait that the weapon has due to some type of manufacturing, preparation, or other physical manifestation of its form. Magical is something that has been attributed to it due to magical alteration. Of the two, Physical Traits consist of 98% of all traits on weapons.

Traits can be very important when considering the strength of a weapon. The combination of two traits may turn an average weapon into a tool of incredible destruction. Certain traits will be less useful in the hands of different characters. For example, a weapon with Mastercraft may not be considered as valuable as one with Rupture to a character with lower weapon skill.

In order for a Magical trait to be applied to an item, that item must first have a chunk of magicite slotted into it. Then, a second trait slot may be used in order to apply a Magical trait. Since each Magical trait requires a slot and because there can only three maximum traits on an item, the maximum Magical traits that can be found on an item is one.

A Physical Trait will sometimes be found paired with another Physical Trait, and in incredibly rare occasions, even a third. Certain Physical Traits are found more often on certain types of weapon, others are unable to be found on entire weapon classes. 

Only one trait of each name can be put on an item, unless specified otherwise.

Physical Melee Weapon Traits


When using a weapon with Affinity, chance for critical strike is +1. This trait can be applied multiple times.


When a target is struck with a weapon with this trait on it, if they are your size category or below, they must roll an Impossible Constitution check. If they do not succeed, the limb that has been struck cannot be used. If this is the head or chest, the target passes out.


When using a weapon with Impact, add half of the damage dealt directly from rolled dice on top of the end total.


A weapon that is Deepforged cannot have its Durability depleted to zero. Deepforged weapons do not break.


Slashing attacks used with a weapon with Followthrough does half the damage of any strike to a neighboring body part on the same enemy. Roll a d6 to decide the struck body-part, reroll if it repeats the previously struck location.


A weapon with this trait does not receive durability damage when skinning a target.


When using a weapon with Mastercraft, half of the user's skill (including specialty) is added as flat damage on any strike.


Double AGI modifier for uses of damage calculation.


Double STR modifier for uses of damage calculation.


A weapon with Rupturing causes a bleed upon the enemy that is struck. The bleed is 1d4 per turn to the struck location and 1 per turn to all other locations for the duration of the bleed. The 1 per turn effect can be stacked. The duration lasts for one turn per stack.


Upon a successful strike, the enemy is winced in pain and loses 1 delay on their following turn.

Resounding Blows

When an enemy blocks your strike, the weapon modifier in bludgeoning damage is still dealt to the offended body part/shield arm.


The weapon has the ability to dismount riding enemies. When the player strikes a mounted enemy, they must roll against their STR. If they succeed, the enemy is dismounted.


A weapon with this trait has acquired a glaring sheen to it. They may choose to do a one turn blind to any enemy with eyes. The area must be well lit. Delay: 5

Poison Groove

Can apply two stacks of poison simultaneously to this weapon.


A weapon with this trait receives +3 to all slashing damage.


A weapon with this trait receives +3 to all bludgeoning damage.


A weapon with this trait receives +3 to all piercing damage.

Head Heavy

A weapon with this trait receives +3 to all cleaving damage.


A weapon with this trait does not receive durability damage when used for mining.


Locations hit by this weapon are disabled until the weapon is destroyed, the attacker chooses to end Entanglement on the target, or if you attack again with the same weapon.


When an enemy is struck with this weapon, they enter a grapple check with the wielder. 


A weapon with this trait does not receive durability damage when chopping down a tree.


A weapon with this trait accrues -1 to Leadership rolls.

Hand and a Half

A weapon with this trait can be swung with two hands if the player chooses and their offhand is not occupied. If they choose to do so, they receive their STR and AGI modifiers added together for damage.


Does 10 durability damage to whatever it strikes.


Slashing attacks with a weapon  with this trait hits one neighboring enemy in a random body part with half of the damage of the initial strike.

Physical Ranged Weapon Traits


A weapon with this trait accrues -1 difficulty to Leadership rolls.


A ranged weapon with this trait adds 100 to its range.


Add an extra damage dice of the type that defines this weapon and +5 damage, reduce the range to 100 feet.


Double the range of the ranged weapon, but -10 damage to all strikes.


A firearm with this trait can no longer aim strikes. However, for every extra delay spent loading it, it both requires and fires an extra projectile at the target. Roll a d6 for the location of each shot. Can only add up to five shots maximum for a rifle or three shots maximum for a pistol.


Ranged weapons with this trait incur -1 difficulty to Marksmanship and Archery rolls.

Poison Groove

Can apply two stacks of poison simultaneously to this projectile.


When applied to a projectile, successful strikes wince the enemy in pain and, deducting delay on their following turn. The delay lost is equal to half of the delay of the offending strike, rounded down.


A projectile with Rupturing causes a bleed upon the enemy that is struck. The bleed is 1d4 per turn to the struck location and 1 per turn to all other locations for the duration of the bleed. The 1 per turn effect can be stacked.


When using a weapon with Impact, add half of the damage dealt directly from rolled dice on top of the end total.


Double AGI modifier for uses of damage calculation.


If the target is within five feet of a shot by a firearm, apply Enflame to the body part that is hit.


A rifle affixed with this trait can now be used as a spear by rolling against Marksmanship, as specified below:


P: 3d6 (3-18)

S: 1d6 (1-6)

C: N/A

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI


A pistol affixed with this trait can now be used as an axe by rolling against Marksmanship, as specified below:


P: N/A

S: N/A

C: 3d6 (3-18)

B: N/A

Durability: 15

Delay: 3

Modifier: AGI

Physical Armor Traits


When poison is applied through a piece of armor with this trait, it is demoted by one damage per turn permanently.


Each covered location of the body with the trait accumulates a +1 bonus to Athletics rolls.


Does 10 durability damage to whatever strikes it.


Every piece of armor with this trait accumulates -1 difficulty to Leadership rolls.


Projectiles that hit any equipped area with Deflection are subject to a Difficult saving roll by the wearer against their AGI. If successful, the projectile is deflected completely.


When an arm item has the trait Grip, disarm’s are at one layer higher difficulty. The arm item must be in the arm that is wielding the weapon.


Wearer depletes damage equal to half of Defense skill when taking damage to area protected.


Denotes that the item conceals the wearer's identity on the area protected without a Impossible Observation check.


When this trait is applied, you may choose to make it look like an object that is roughly its size, but has none of its function.

Iron Dome

When on a helmet, eliminates CON rolls to stay conscious for head trauma.


Any piece of armor with this trait accrues a - 1 difficulty to Disguise rolls.


Halves the damage from Acid sources.


Halves the damage from Fire sources.


Halves the damage from Radiation sources.


Halves the damage from Plasma sources.


-3 Cold damage.


-3 Heat damage.


Halves the damage from Vibration sources.


Each covered location of the body with the trait Stealth accumulates a +1 bonus to Stealth rolls.


Any enemies who initiate grapples, bodyslams, knockdowns, or other full-body contact attacks receive 5 piercing damage to body. Also, any area with this trait may be used as a 1d6 piercing weapon with 3 delay.


Each arm location that has this trait gets a +1 to Lockpick and +1 to Pickpocket.


Leg location equipped with Spurs adds +2 to Riding skill.


Any head piece with this Trait gets +1 to Observation and -1 difficulty to Archery, Firearms, Thrown Weapons, and ranged Operate rolls.


An armor with Deepforge cannot have its Durability depleted to zero.


Critical strikes on this location do not deal double damage.


When applied to chest armor, if the player specifies they are dropping their weapon, they may draw any pistol equipped to this body part for zero delay. May equip up to four pistols.

Shield Traits


Shield can remain equipped if using a two-handed weapon. Adds 1 delay to two-handed strikes. Only applied to Small Shields


Shield can be planted into the ground when Defense is rolled, unequipping the shield to free the shield-arm, though the shield is now stationary. Pre-Block is always active so long as the character is using the shield as cover. Defense can be rolled again to retrieve the shield, though it must be equipped to use in combat.


A weapon is not always a winner and it is not always without serious drawbacks. The weapon may have been tempered improperly or crafted imprecisely. It may have been made with a poor metal alloy or weak wood that will splinter too easily. These weapons will often just be junk to be sold for a few easy coins. However, sometimes a very good weapon will have something that makes it enticing even with one of these fundamental drawbacks, meaning a character would still opt for it. A weapon with a flaw can be seen, for item generation’s sake.

Physical Weapon Flaws


The weapon goes to zero durability if a critical failure is rolled when striking with it.


The STR requirement for this weapon is now +3.


Half the amount of rolled damage is dealt.


The skill of the user with the weapon is a flat decrement to damage dealt by it.


Chance for critical failure with a weapon with Shoddy, is +1.


Every strike done with this weapon in combat makes this item take 5 durability damage.


This weapon, if it is not upkept often, will rust. This effect halves the durability.


This item receives durability damage equal to half its total when it comes in contact with water.


This weapon also critically fails on 9s as well as 10s.

Physical Armor Flaws


Take an extra one-half damage from Piercing damage.


Take an extra one-half damage from Bludgeoning damage.


Take an extra one-half damage from Cleaving damage.


Take an extra one-half damage from Slashing damage.


Takes five durability damage every time this area is struck.


Enemies striking the body part with this armor have a +1 chance to critically succeed.


Magical Weapon Traits


An item must have this trait applied to it in order to be able to have a magical trait applied to it. In order to apply this trait, a sizable chunk of magicite must be slotted into the item.


To determine the Firebrand damage the player rolls on a d10 every strike. They then refer to this chart to see which damage dice are rolled in addition to their other damage with this weapon:

10: 1d4 Fire Damage

9: 1d6 Fire Damage

8: 1d8 Fire Damage

7: 1d10 Fire Damage

6: 1d12 Fire Damage

5: 1d20 Fire Damage

4: 2d10 Fire Damage

3: 2d10 + 1d6 Fire Damage

2: 2d10 + 1d8 Fire Damage

1: 3d10 Fire Damage


A weapon with the trait Antimagic strikes as if all magic effects are null. Also, any stricken are unable to use magic the following turn if they fail on a MAG test.


The weapon also deals 1d4 Electric Damage to all locations on the enemy. Those with metal receive 1d6 in addition. The enemy must roll against CON to see if they lose their turn next round.


When a weapon with Geo is sheathed, it becomes 100% durability again.


With Aquamancy on a blade, the weapon either impacts the enemy with steam or heals the target, depending on the whim of the user. The steam does 2d6 Heat damage. The healing heals all wounds below serious.


A weapon with this magical trait may choose to manifest whatever physical trait they desire on their weapon. Limited to one at a time.


A weapon with this magic trait does an extra 1d6 of Cold Damage.


If this weapon is parried or blocked, it has a chance to knock the defending tool out of the enemy's hands. The enemy must roll a difficult AGI check to retain grip of their weapon or shield.


On strike, you gain +3 Luck and the enemy gains -3 Luck for the duration of the turn.

Magical Armor Traits


Areas with armor equipped with this trait active, receive no damage or effect from magic, including those which are beneficial.


Locations equipped with Fortuitous accumulate +1 to Luck skill.

Safe Breathing

A head piece with this trait sustains a steady flow of safe air to the wearer. When this helm is on, unless the inside is altered directly, the wearer is immune to suffocation or other ill effects through respiration.

Liquid Resistance

Any damage from sources of liquid are halved.

Solid Resistance

Any damage from sources of solids are halved. Armor resistances block whatever is leftover.

Gas Resistance

Any damage from sources of gases are halved.

Plasma Resistance

Any damage from sources of plasma or fire are halved.