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Region #: Name of Region

City Name


Populace: The number of people who are permanent or temporary residents at any given time.

Composition: The species composition of those residents.

Wealth: The type of wealth distribution in the settlement. Poor means that all of those in the city are poor. Moderate means the average people are somewhat well-off, but do not live in luxury. Rich means that only the most wealthy can afford to live here. Stratified means that both the extremely poor and the extremely rich live in this city. Egalitarian means that wealth is distributed in a fair and equitable fashion across the populace.

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


Region 2: Zachariah’s Steppe


Higet is a small village lying on the eastern coast of Lazvar, just below the Markad Mountain Range. The people that are here live simple, but deprived lives. Most of those who live in the village are fishermen, although they are able to carry out blacksmithing, leatherworking, clothiering, and other such facilities. While they are outside of the active gaze of Farhaven, the mining camps in the nearby peaks nonetheless remind them of the empire’s presence at all times. These mining camps, providing significant mineral resources to the monarchy, represent a monopoly. If the people of Higet were to be found mining in the Markads, the village would be in grave danger. Instead, they resort to sifting trace minerals from the river and smaller tributaries in their area. 

Populace: 312

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Poor

Imports: None


Village: Fish

Mines: Bronze, Iron, Tuda, Sarkite, Steel, Oscite, Coal


Lakan is a remote fishing settlement, its culture mostly focused around this aspect. Although the people here mostly keep to themselves, they display a rugged sort of hospitality to those they can sense are hard workers. They are a simple people who desire only to be left alone and find camaraderie in collective toil and humility.

Populace: 800

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Poor


Exports: Fish


Moenia is a burgeoning and diverse port city. Although not the furthest city from Farhaven as the crow flies, it is perhaps most remote due to the mountain range between it and the Kedrin Forests. This means that Moenia’s culture has developed independently, favoring a spirit of freedom and rebellion. Because of this, it has many positive and negative features. Although it is a place where people may pursue complex ideas and lifestyles, it is also a place where crime is rampant, the home of many pirates and privateers. There are also several dissident writers in the area who create political propaganda focused upon inherent human rights and freedom from tyranny, particularly one named Marius Barkin. Although Farhaven would desire to crush Moenia’s rebellious nature, it cannot achieve such a thing without enormous naval warfare, something that Moenia’s inhabitants specialize in.

Populace: 32,000

Composition: 85% Human, 5% Kaze, 4% Ethakkra, 3% Kalnis, 3% Famulus

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Most goods

Exports: Fish, Boats


Parg is a mountain settlement, sparsely occupied by frontiersman. The people here are quite hostile to outsiders, including Farhaven officials and have been known to kill tax collectors. Although the village has been pacified numerous times, their spread out encampments make them difficult to permanently subdue.

Populace: 350

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Poor

Imports: None

Exports: None


This city is the site of much trade between the coastal cities and the inland. For this reason it is mostly a middle-ground for traders and sailors. Those who live here are mostly fishermen and sailors. Rael, situated close to the coast, but also within a week’s journey of the forests, also provides most of the boats and lumber to the coastal cities. 

Populace: 35,000

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Lumber, Fish, Alcohol

Exports: Boats, Lumber, Fish


Tisa is one of the most ancient Human settlements, built on two sides of the river, carved deeply into the high cliff faces there. Although Tisa was once a small, quaint town long ago, it has become a hub between the northern cities of Zachariah’s Steppe and the Farhaven mainland. Many nobles, enjoying Tisa’s unique architecture and history, have come to settle here in the tiered mansions carved into the side of the cave walls on the west side of the river. For this reason, great work has been put into subduing the peasants and workers, now the sight of a packed slave colony on the east side of the river who labor in the mines and smelt the ore that they produce. 

Populace: 20,000

Composition: 98% Human, 2% Kaze

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Fish, Wood, Boats

Exports: Bronze, Iron, Tuda, Sarkite, Steel, Oscite, Coal

Region 3: Kedrin Forests


The cavemouths of the Sarkin lands, blocked off by thick wooden gates built into back-walls. A sprawling cavernous metropolis lies between these locations, underlying almost the entire continent and representing the home of untold multitudes. In the spanning caverns where they have made their cities they have established a near-utopia, fueled by steam technology and flat democratic structures. There is no leadership without accountability and crime is almost non-existent. These cities are purposely hidden from the outside world, although they are beginning to be discovered by the lords in Farhaven, who regard them with suspicion and mild hostility.

The Brak is split up into several Wards. Each Ward acting something like a city, each with its own series of nested democratic bodies called Caucuses. In order to make societal decisions, the Caucuses dispute, discuss, and then vote on measures. They must reach near unanimity to pass a measure. These decisions are then handed up to the level of the Ward where Sarkin that have been delegated by the caucuses carry out their decisions and coordinate with other Wards. There is no lordship in the Brak. All citizens are considered equal.

Populace: 2,000,000+

Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: None

Exports: None


Crane, one of Farhaven’s old lumber operations, has long ago clear-cut the forest around the area. The empire of Farhaven repurposed the city after and had them begin planting crops on vast plots of land. Because of this early development, Crane is now one of the most prolific agricultural producers on the continent, providing food and drink to much of the southern human empire.

Populace: 27,000

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Moderate 

Imports: Tools, Slayers

Exports: Food


Criff is one of the agricultural hubs of the Lazvarian empire, a vast log wall surrounding its expansive farmlands and the central city where trade takes place. Its production feeds much of the northern part of the human empire and, far from the main trade routes, is not extensively settled by the noble class. There is a pervasive working class attitude in the farmlands, although they are not insulated, being too close by to one another to live lives completely free from interaction, and needing to visit town somewhat often. Those in the city, although better off because they are largely the merchant class, do not have the characteristic chauvinism of the merchants in the rest of Farhaven’s empire, seeing themselves as wardens of the workers.

Populace: 60,000

Composition: 98% Human, 1% Kalnis, 1% Kaze

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Fish, Elixir

Exports: Crops, Alcohol, Clothing, Needo Lumber


Dahl is an extremely small town, consisting of very few people.  It exists solely as the export business and operation of a wealthy Farhaven noble named Goudum.  Despite its size however, it is known as the supplier of the finest brewing ingredients on the continent of Lazvar.  The citizens have been known to be considered unpleasant to speak to, and do not take well to outsiders or non-humans.

Populace: 580

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: None

Exports: Alcohol


The center of known civilization.  Farhaven is an enormous city, consisting of incredible amounts of people, and a flourishing political system.  It has been called the Center of Trade, the Nobleman's Delight, and in less esteemed times such as current, Doran's Folly.  It consists of several districts, named in times long past.  Noteworthy districts are Poorman's Square (Creel's Square), Upper Quarter, Cathedral District, and Burillo's Reach.  The architecture of the town in most respectable districts is enormous and almost extravagantly oversized, and has been noted to be mysterious in this trait.  The roads in all quarters can accommodate over ten caravans side by side on a good day.  Farhaven, as well, is where the King of Humans sits, currently King Doran, advocate of the throne from the legendary King Koradin Creel, and is where all Human authorities are located.  

Currently, the city is in a time of enormous class conflict, the middle class almost non-existent and transient in nature.  Creel's Square is noteworthy in that is in almost complete ruins, a haven for criminals and poor, where less than a mile away is the Upper Quarter, one of the epicenters of noble class.  A rebel group has arisen inside the city to question Doran's reign.  

Populace: 900,000

Composition: 80% Human, 10% Kalnis, 8% Ethakkra, 2% Kaze

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: All

Exports: All


One of the many mining colonies created by the Farhaven nobility, Fawron is dwarfed by Leary and is much slower paced, only being the site of mining and not production or smelting. Many of those who live here were tired of the life they experienced in Leary, where everyone is driven to the bone. Those who live in Fawron often work on a commission basis, not by contract, and this allows those who reside here to utilize their time as they please.

Populace: 6500

Composition: 100% Human

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Food, Alcohol, Lumber

Exports: Ore


The second biggest city in Lazvar, Goldron is a bustling hub of trade, lying at the crossroads of many different cities. The merchant class has made Goldron their own with the help of Farhaven. The Goldron Mercantile Company was established here, a subsidiary operating at the behest of the Farhaven nobles, which expands its enterprise to enrich the throne and themselves mutually. There are nearly no workers in the city, as there is almost no production to speak of. Imports flood in from throughout the Lazvarian and Faydorn empire, meaning almost anything can be found in the city if one has the right contacts. Its architecture is sometimes considered gaudy, but the investment has made these structures immaculate, enormous mansions and storefronts upon the sides of the enormous streets. Caravans fill every corridor and the gates seem constantly open.

Populace: 250,000

Composition: 85% Human, 8% Ethakkra, 5% Kaze, 2% Kalnis

Wealth: Rich

Imports: All

Exports: All


Free city







A sleepy little city mostly populated by inns, bath-houses, and bars, meant to accommodate the travelers on their way north. Kistan was one of the first lumberjacking expeditions when Farhaven was first expanding and has thus clearcut the forests around them. Although this has led the area to be quite desolate, it has also led to a decrease in creatures. Kistan is therefore quiet, but produces little of worth to export.

Populace: 5000

Composition: 98% Human, 2% Kalnis

Wealth: Poor

Imports: None

Exports: Alcohol, Clothing


Leary is one of the most prominent mining cities on the continent, the mountains above producing much of the ore for the Farhaven empire and the city below producing some of the most masterful blacksmiths in the lands. Leary’s air is clogged with the smell of soot and smelted metal, a constant smog. The walls of the city are made of wrought iron, towering fifty feet into the air. Because of their proximity to Farhaven and their reputation as a producer of fine arms and armor, they have also been made into a sort of military colony for the empire, where officers and soldiers alike are trained for duty.

Populace: 120,000

Composition: 96% Human, 2% Kalnis, 1% Kaze, 1% Ethakkra 

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Crops, Alcohol, Fish, Lumber, Elixir

Exports: Soldiers, Ore, Metals, Weapons, Armor


Leep is the ancient city of Marn, just off the coast of eastern Lazvar, it is what was once one of the two dominant city-states millenia ago.  It is now still a prestigious place, a wooden-walled city, flags flying of Seperatist colors.  Inside its walls are ancient buildings built in old ways, even influenced by old Kalnis architecture during the old wars between them and it is the dominant fishing community still.  Most of the fish that goes to Lazvar comes from the waters outside of and around Leep.   

Populace: 30,000

Composition: 100% Human


Mesul is primarily a lumberjacking settlement, set on the western frontier of the continent. The people here live somewhat isolated lives, visiting the city when they need help with encroaching creatures or when they need to sell their haul. Slayers make entire careers protecting the lumberjacks on their expeditions, often seen as a sort of training ground for those who want to become experts at the craft and take it to the continent at large.

Populace: 6000

Composition: 95% Human, 5% Kalnis

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Alcohol, Slayers

Exports: Lumber, Slayers, Outdoorsman


Free city







One of the most ancient human settlements, it is mostly constructed out of stone that has been worn and cracked over the years. The culture of Romi is very distinct among human cities, producing many of the greatest soldiers of the region for much of recorded human history. Those who live here value the stoic outlook; strength of body and of temperament. The warrior-poets of Romi place emphasis on vigilance, independence, and wise action, but also do not shirk the application of their minds to the arts. Although many from the north find the pace of life in Romi to be excruciatingly slow, it is the oldest of the free cities and those that hail from here are known to be calm in even the most demanding circumstances. Those from Romi do not value belongings, but instead achievement.

Populace: 70,000

Composition: 85% Human, 10% Kalnis, 5% Famulus

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Alcohol, Elixir

Exports: Soldiers, Artists, Philosophers


Free city







Once a bustling city in ancient times, Wral is in ruins from a war long ago between Leep and Romi. It is now a home to bandits and various criminal runaways, who have settled it as a small bastion away from the law. When other settlements in the region banish those with Lycanthropy as a kindness, this is where they often concentrate before the disease advances.

Populace: 400

Composition: 75% Human, 15% Kalnis, 7% Ethakkra, 3% Famulus

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Criminals

Exports: Criminals

Region 4: Daegus Swamps


Byra is one of the truly massive settlements of the human empire, sitting at the cross-roads of numerous trade routes and situated just far away enough from the capital that they are able to maintain their own area of dominance. The towering buildings of Byra are gilded and limewashed, glowing in the day-time, the streets filled with passerby, merchants, performers, and scoundrels. 

Populace: 250,000

Composition: 95% Human

Wealth: Rich




Gadna is one of the most influential cities in Farhaven’s direct sphere of influence. Known for its looming spires and dark-stone architecture, it is home to many of the empire’s economic elite. There are six towers at the gates of the city, each bequeathed to one of the six founding families of Gadna: the Boems, the Davs, the Mercers, the Husiers, the Abotts, and the Silvermanes. The nobles who settle here wish to be in a hub of commerce, separate from the foibles of the mainland. Although the environment here is muggy and rainy almost year-round, it is built with many enclosures and overhangs to shield the denizens from the downpour. Gadna is a center of naval control on the continent, receiving and sending many ships, recruiting an enormous number of mercenary and fealty-sworn warriors to do the bidding of Farhaven.

Populace: 200,000

Composition: 94% Human, 2% Kalnis, 1% Kaze, 2% Ethakkra

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Arms, Ships, Wine, Art, Fine Clothing

Exports: Mercenaries, Elixir, Fish, Lumber


Quarc is the epicenter of crime and lower business in Lazvar.  It is a mid-sized town, once small, having sustained such growth partly because of the lower class enterprise and more insistently because of the large quantity of swamplands being used for growing the Keela Moss.  Moss is its main export, flooding money into the wealthy upper class crime bosses and other assorted leaders.  It is also the home of the most well-known mercenary group in Lazvar; the Tattered Brothers.  

Populace: 75,000

Composition: 80% Human, 10% Ethakkra, 8% Kalnis, 2% Kaze

Wealth: Stratified


Exports: Elixir

Region 5: Zerus Treescape


Baraneau is a city that considers itself a separate entity from Farhaven’t empire. Many of its inhabitants have taken to pirating goods in the vicinity of Blaire in order to sustain their livelihoods. The only laws in Baraneu are the ones able to be enforced, usually by the most powerful pirating gang. An economical raid can occasionally tip the scales of Baraneau’s society at any time. The Black Teeth have conglomerated most of the power in Baraneau, and have created a somewhat reliable trade network with Filon, which has helped them immensely.

Populace: 10,000

Composition: 90% Human 5% Famulus, 3% Kalnis, 2% Ethakkra

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Alcohol, Elixir, Wine, Lumber

Exports: Criminals, Plunder


Blaire is a port city, a bustling economic powerhouse linked strongly to its mother continent of Lazvar and as well to Faydorn as its imports come mostly from there.  It is well-known to be a somewhat liberal city with somewhat unacceptable ideas about the future of Nyra.  It has been called unaffectionately, the City of Dreamers, and more commonly, the City of Ports. It is known to have one of the most accepting and varied populations of any city of Lazvar, having an enormously high concentration of Kazes and Ethakkra for a human conFamulused location.  Some find refuge among the philanthropic upper and middle class of Blaire when persecuted in other places.  Mages are let into Blaire with an enormous amount of hesitance, and are treated badly.  If they stay for an extended amount of time, they are usually escorted from the city.

Populace: 270,000

Composition: 55% Human, 15% Kaze, 27% Ethakkra, 2% Utwesh, 1% Famulus

Wealth: Rich

Imports: Everything

Exports: Everything


FIlon’s location has influenced its economy and culture almost completely. It was created as a sort of trading post between the lawless lands to the south, and to the more organized empire to the north. It gets a large amount of its supply goods from Byra, while its more illegal products come from Quarc and Baraneau. Though it is populated by gangs, outlaws and refugees from many cultures, Filon doesn’t experience much in terms of open violence. The gangs have found that cooperation profitable, and wish to keep things running smoothly. Therefore, any gang found guilty op breaking this truce is expelled from the operation as well as the city permanently, without protection from Nyra’s wilderness or pillagers.

Populace: 100,000

Composition:  85% Human, 3% Kalnis, 2% Famulus, 2% Ethakkra, 8% Kaze

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Crops, Fish, Wine, Alcohol, Arms, Pillage, Fenced Items, Elixir, Freedom-Seekers

Exports: Lumber, Arms, Pillage, Fenced Items, Criminals, Slayers


This settlement, one of the most ancient that humans ever created, is now a broken down wreck. Where once a beautiful stone architecture loomed, now the frames of these old buildings have been accommodated by rickety wood structures and tent cities. The only people who live here are the assorted warlords, crime syndicates, murderers, thieves, and other career criminals from the continent. It is known that Farhaven will not often send their operatives to this region, fearing the jungles, and thus cities like Hotus have popped up as havens for the storage of the pillage of raiders and bandits. However, this also means that the city is a permanent orgy of violence, having the highest murder rate on the continent and its dominance hierarchy being constantly overturned by the newest psychopath to vie for control. Many mages, fleeing persecution by the Orderists, also settle here, the home of many outlaw cults.

Populace: 50,000

Composition: 65% Human, 10% Kalnis, 10% Famulus, 2% Ethakkra, 3% Utwesh, 4% Ponderan, 6% Kaze

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Criminals, Pillage, Fugitives

Exports: Criminals, Bandits, Warlords

Region 6: Exiled Lands

Arca Falls

Embedded deeply into the cliff sides, unable to be seen from the outside, this city, glorious and full of towering smooth stone structures, is the current home of the Ponderan. After having fled the Massacre and established the forward cities on the coastline, the Ponderan decided to move further away as to guarantee their safety as they re-established themselves. Arca Falls is a terraformed region, a task that was endeavored upon by all six of the Mage Guilds. It is now the home to the Ponderan Mage Order, which has taken up the task of the Onus Mage Order of old and now makes all of the legislative and judiciary decisions of the region. 

Populace: 560,000

Composition: 100% Ponderan

Wealth: Rich

Imports: None

Exports: None

Baryon’s Beacon

The first society established by the Ponderan after fleeing from Onus, it still remains steadfast as a deterrent to the Famulus from invading Arca Falls. Military academies, both magical and martial are located here, and is home to only the most determined Ponderan. Ones who favor  pacifism have no place in this society.

Populace: 400,000

Composition: 100% Ponderan

Wealth: Rich

Imports: None

Exports: None

Macon’s Bounty

This city was developed as an agricultural project for the Ponderan, an offshoot of the Liquid and Solid mages who wished to create a naturalistic commune in the harsh and unforgiving Exiled Lands. Unable to sanction such a project because of the Ponderan Mage Order’s desire to stay hidden, they decided to strike out on their own. In the middle of one of the most brutal wildernesses on the planet, Macon’s Bounty is an absolutely immaculate paradise of the natural sort. Trees and plants of all kinds grow prolifically here, the water is pure is beautiful, and the city is built with special care to avoid magic reactors. Instead, the mages here tend the land directly, having accommodated Famulus into society as equals.

Populace: 135,000

Composition: 98% Ponderan, 2% Famulus

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: None

Exports: None

Torias’ Front

This city, one of the most ancient on the planet, is the settlement the Ponderan created for the Great Project. Hundreds of thousands of primitive humans were trafficked through this city, their earliest nomadic tribes settling in the step to the north. For many centuries it was a purpose-made location, only meant to transfer humans from Onus to the continent. It is now populated with Ponderan who fled the Massacre, but those who do not wish to settle in Arca Falls. For this reason, Torias’ Front, far from its original intentions, has now become a holdout for the most rebellious Ponderans who do not want to conform to the new settlements or the old ways. For this reason, there are often conflicts between the mages, having no central body to negotiate deals between them. The Orderists that live here do their best to keep conflict under control and work directly with the sect from Arca Falls to do so.

Populace: 250,000

Composition: 100% Ponderan

Wealth: Rich

Imports: None

Exports: None


Region 7: The Highland Tundra


The Fortress of G’ok was built in agreement by the three warring tribes of ‘Min, ‘Nak, and McPherson. This is now the largest city that the Kalniss have built. The fortress, although it is quite utilitarian in its construction, nonetheless houses an enormous number of people. The city is always quite lively and show-fights take place outside of the taverns as Kalniss undergo tests of strength. Although the temperatures are frigid and the snows are heavy, the lower class is mobilized to shovel the streets and pile fat on the furnaces. The majority of the city is a military bastion, composed of stone enclosures. A keep at the top of the slope is the meeting place of the Tribunal.

Populace: 230,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Fat, Food, Alcohol, Coal, Wood

Exports: Warriors


Sagumat is the ancestral homeland of the ‘Min tribe. Its walls are made of wood and stone and the housing inside is mostly comprised of longhouses, which are the home to many different families and professions. The city, although still in the frigid wastes, is a bit more temperate in its weather than G’ok to the north. The ‘Min tribe lavishes reward upon their nobility here, comprised of commanders, information gatherers, and spy-masters. The lower class live in nearly slavery-like conditions, conscripted to service of the elite.

Populace: 85,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Fineries, Information, Food, Wine, Coal, Wood

Exports: Spies, Information


Brond is an advanced military encampment, once the front for a war between the ‘Min tribe and the McPherson. It saw much changing of hands over their history and thus has aspects of the McPherson and ‘Min architecture and culture. Today it is a mixture of these two tribes and maintains some aspects of both of their traditions. The housing is mostly long-houses, although the walls are made of stone. The McPherson drinking culture and tactician’s mind has proliferated throughout this city, creating an uneasy cultural tension with the ‘Min tribe’s calm aspect of reflection. The leadership of the city is mandated to be half McPherson and half ‘Min, as to facilitate peace between them; however the lower class is almost exclusively McPherson.

Populace: 70,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Weapons, Armor, Food, Fat, Coal, Wood

Exports: Alcohol, Warriors

Region 8: Dead Flats


A city built half outside and half inside the mountain. It is both the source of much of the ore and minerals that are shipped around the Kalnis lands, but is also a prolific center of manufacture. In Omer’Dun are some of the best craftsmen in all of the Kalnis lands and many aspiring apprentices travel here in dreams of learning from the masters.

Populace: 25,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Food, Alcohol

Exports: Weapons, Armor, Fineries

Pit of Kez

The Pit of Kez is the only major city of the Braggos. “Kez” is the name of the slave caste, a word synonymous with “fly.” Here is where the vast majority of the slave trade takes place and where the dominant clan leaders come to declare their new supremacy. Those who wish to challenge them to a duel to the death, come here to dethrone them. The city is a bustling series of tents and bonfires, stinking of blood and flesh, food and drink. Only wooden fences stand between them and the ruthless wilderness. Deaths are common.

Populace: 130,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Slaves, Food, Alcohol

Exports: Slaves

Julian’s Gate

A defensive settlement behind a massive wall, built by the Kaze to keep the Braggos out of their lands. The majority of those who live here are military personnel, prepared for the day the Braggos test their mettle. It was built after the rise of the Kaze empire, solidifying their position as a nigh-unassailable geographic region.

Populace: 188,000

Composition: 99% Kaze, 1% Kalnis

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Armor, Weapons

Exports: None


Edlom was the first city built in the mountains after the Kaze fled the Dead Flats. It is also the first in which they utilized the stilted platforms which would come to define the architecture of the rest of their cities. This city can be accessed by a complex carriage system, suspended by rope and pulley and is the point of transfer for many goods which are imported to the continent by Kaze merchants. This city is the spiritual capital of the Kaze people, a place where the Gas mages which form the ideological clergy of their society, are trained and mature into great scholars. The Scryers are a sect which seclude themselves in the Great Temple of Telimure and listen to the winds to gather knowledge. These Scryers are sometimes brought to Vargas to consult for the leadership there, but most never leave the temple, recording their knowledge and locking it in a vault which no one may access but their sect.

Populace: 65,000

Composition: 95% Kaze, 5% Kalnis

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Food

Exports: Scryers


The capital of the Kaze kingdom. Vargas is a city built on, around, and in the summit of the largest mountain in their mountain range. The city looms so high in the air that it can hardly be seen from the ground, except by those with exceptional sight and on a very clear day. The city, having first been built upon stilted platforms around the peak, was eventually built inside the mountain to utilize its space and to extensively excavate the minerals from inside. This now makes it one of the most prolific producers of ore, arms, and armor. The goods produced here are prized across the planet for their fine craftsmanship. This is also the home to the largest library in the Kazelands, housing over 750,000 books, an amount that is hardly rivaled anywhere else on the planet. This is also the home of one of the most significant gathering of academics, scientists, historians, and technologists, rivaling that of the Ponderans and the Sarkin.

Populace: 490,000

Composition: 100% Kaze

Wealth: Rich

Imports: Food, Lumber

Exports: Ore, Minerals, Armor, Weapons, Fineries, Scholars, Craftsmen


The oldest Kaze city, built before they went into the mountains. It has ancient architecture which, although beautiful, has aged and cracked. The city is mostly built of stone and is the site of a preservation campaign by the modern Kaze. It is now the home of the oldest slayers of the Kaze society.

Populace: 270,000

Composition: 95% Kaze, 5% Kalnis

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Weapons, Armor

Exports: Slayers, Creature Parts


Brego was a city built just after the first encounters with the Ethakkra, in which the Temple of Twilodon (Grimcal) was retaken. Still needing a base of operations which would serve as a front if the Ethakkra chose to challenge their power, they created Brego in the mountains, mimicking their stilted style of cities. Brego can be accessed by foot, but only from a mountain road that routes back to Vargas; otherwise it must be flown to, limiting access to any other species but the Kaze, severely. Brego’s climate is a bit more temperate than many of the other Kaze cities, being south enough for the temperatures to be more tolerable. The Kaze maintain a military presence here at all times, in case that Talisdeem decides to send mountain contingents to restart the war.

Populace: 85,000

Composition: 100% Kaze

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Armor, Weapons, Food, Lumber

Exports: Soldiers


Established and built by the great warrior poet Ivantius the Knowledgeable, to hold the southern pass, Ivandeen is a great mountaintop fortress spanning the peaks of the twin mountains overlooking Dorian’s Pass; it is the only walkable entrance into the mountains for 1000 miles. The city is filled with soldiers, and has many camps training the Kazein elite. The city also facilitates a black market trade route over land for trade with the Utwesh and the Kalnis and even some groups within the Ethakraa.   

Populace: 320,000

Composition: 93% Kaze, 5% Kalnis, 2% Utwesh 

Wealth: Average

Imports: Weapons, Armor

Exports: Soldiers


Zel is the capital of the settled Utwesh cities, a massive stone city built into the cliffsides, tiered and sheltered underneath overhangs. Zel is a bustling city which represents the only major outside trade that the Utwesh do with the Kalniss or Ethakkra. For this reason, there are some outside species which settle here, but only upon the stipulation that they abide by Utwesh cultural standards.

Populace: 227,000

Composition: 97% Utwesh, 2% Kalnis, 1% Ethakkra

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Food, Weapons, Armor, Alcohol, Wood

Exports: Adhesive


Borne is built into a secluded stone valley where a rare plot of land that is arable lies. Borne was settled as a spontaneous matter by those who wanted to plow the fields in this area and who found its remote location with little interference by wildlife to be more agreeable than elsewhere. The city of Borne is not an extravagant place, but those who live here make due with what they have.

Populace: 50,000

Composition: 100% Utwesh

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Weapons, Armor, Wood

Exports: Food, Alcohol, Textiles, Adhesive


Yuse’ was settled long ago when the Utwesh were pushed far from the Ethakkran lands and were at risk of being exterminated. This was how far they had to flee in order to survive. Yuse’ is therefore one of the oldest cities that the Utwesh have ever settled and is therefore quite developed, but many have left Yuse’ in recent years to popular Palo and Zel. It is the site of much worship of Dagathan and those who come here are often pilgrims seeking to commune with their element. Yuse’ is populated with many temples, built into the stone cliffs of the area. Yuse’s population does boom during the pilgrimage which takes place once per year when the first signs of summer begin.

Populace: 15,000-30,000

Composition: 100% Utwesh

Wealth: Poor

Imports: Fish, Pilgrims, Wood

Exports: Solid Element Religious Material


Palo is a booming coastal city, built into the ocean cliff-faces. The land in this region is arable and the ocean provides prolific amounts of food for the people who live here and inland. Because Palo is also quite far from any influence by the Ethakkra, it is therefore not highly militarized nor hierarchical and thus has very high living standards. The only time that any object is given value beyond its use is when it is traded with outside entities. Otherwise, everything is distributed by need. Palo is one of the oldest cities that the Utwesh established, just after Yuse’ and has continued to be one of the centers of Utwesh culture ever since.

Populace: 210,000

Composition: 95% Utwesh, 2% Kalnis, 1% Famulus, 1% Human, 1% Ethakkra

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: Weapons, Armor, Wood

Exports: Fish, Food, Alcohol, Textiles, Tools, Wagons


Foda is a recent city which has been created at the nexus of several trading routes. It is, like most of the other Utwesh settlements, carved into the side of the cliff-faces, but unlike many of the others, has access by road and is a common destination for traders. Foda has grown quite large because of the wealth that has been generated by trading, but because it is so close to the Ethakkran empire, it has also had to assemble a considerable militia presence. Despite this, it has avoided centralization to a significant degree and most decisions in society are made by the people themselves, not democratically, but as they please. The wealth generated from the lucrative trade that they conduct is distributed quite evenly and when some fall on hard times it is seen as a social obligation that those people be helped by the more fortunate. Foda is also one of the few Utwesh settlements that has a large wall.

Populace: 190,000

Composition: 100% Utwesh

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: Everything

Exports: Everything


Jun is a fishing and lumberjacking community which was established by Foda long ago, but has now grown into a city all itself. Nonetheless, it still serves as one of the major exporters of wood and fish to the rest of the Utwesh mainland. Jun’s community is not extravagant, but does not live in poverty. They are a simple people who find value in labor and who respect those that have a strong work ethic. Jun, being the southernmost Utwesh settlement, also has considerable contact with the Famulus who have settled to the south. Because the Famulus who settled this region were the hard laborers of the Famulus society on Onus, there has been a very successful integration of these two communities in Jun and they have both learned a great deal from one another.

Populace: 37,000

Composition: 90% Utwesh, 10% Famulus

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: Food, Alcohol, Textiles

Exports: Weapons, Armor, Fish, Lumber, Warriors, Engineers

Region 9: Malanthan Forest


A city built half outside and half inside the mountain. It is both the source of much of the ore and minerals that are shipped around the Kalnis lands, but is also a prolific center of manufacture. In Omer’Dun are some of the best craftsmen in all of the Kalnis lands and many aspiring apprentices travel here in dreams of learning from the masters.

Populace: 80,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Food, Alcohol

Exports: Weapons, Armor, Fineries


The old capital of the ‘Min tribe. A high stone fortress, built dual purpose for the military and civilian population. The top layers of the fortress are occupied by only the highest nobility, information gatherers, spymasters, and dignitaries and down below in the muddy depths, the masses live in hovels.

Populace: 130,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Wine, Alcohol, Weapons, Armor

Exports: Spies, Spymasters


See’griss is the capital of the Peridar lands, the apex of achievement for art, scientific thought, and philosophy among the Kalnis kingdoms. Yet the Kalnis love for combat and competition still exists here and thus combat sport reigns supreme. The denizens of this city meet in many coliseums and arenas where people fight in all conditions and by all rules. There is also a prolific criminal underground here, domineered by the Von’Gruf family.

Populace: 200,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Fineries, Gladiators

Exports: Art, Artists, Scholars, Gladiators


Midland is a very old Peridar city, having been built as an impenetrable fortress to resist the old Bragos raids. The walls are twelve stories tall and the inside of the city is built with narrow roads and towering stacks of apartments as tall as ten stories into the air. Because of this, it also houses quite a large population given its diminutive size. Inside the city, it has been said to feel oppressively cramped, given the looming buildings overhead and the lack of sunlight that reaches the streets. The very top stories are where the nobles live, their mansions taking up the top three levels of the complex. The masses live in the apartments below, rickety wooden terraces connecting them with each other.

Populace: 90,000

Composition: 100% Kalnis

Wealth: Moderate

Imports: Food, Alcohol

Exports: Weapons, Armor, Soldiers


This city is built around the Temple of Twilodon, the result of a fort that the Kaze created after they seized the temple from the Utwesh. The Kaze name for this was Grimcal. It was only after Grimcal was retaken by the Ethakkran that it was then named Talisdeem, meaning “Conquered Bird.” Talisdeem is now a significant military encampment where Ethakkran officers and elite troops are sent to train for long periods. 

Populace: 197,000

Composition: 100% Ethakkra

Wealth: Rich

Imports: Food, Armor, Weapons

Exports: Soldiers, Officers


A large circular walled city set on a large flat plain set aside a roaring river, its walls arching from the shore toward and meeting the apex facing the Torrid desert. Quein’Malanthas is a city of great mystique and history, it’s architecture is a stylized and majestic statement of power beset with looming towers, minarets and onion domes. While vast and glorious in design, the surrounding landscape tells a different story; one of constant war with the Utwesh. The citizens are harsh and rashly tribalistic. It is second only to Korrid’Malanthas in size. Once every year there is a competition between Quein’Malanthas and Korrid’Malanthas, called Tchork, wherein they pit their best gladiators against one another. The arena is stained black from the blood spilt there, the city walls are a dark and ancient stone and tower 50ft above the arid sand below. 

Populace: 360,000

Composition: 97% Ethakkra, 3% Utwesh

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Fineries, Wine, Weapons, Armor, Steel, Luxury Food 

Exports: Lumber, Gladiators, Goda Spore, Slaves


Bagrom’An was first constructed as a forward camp during the Ethakkra-Kaze War. For this reason, it is a towering fortress of stone. Built as a military city, it maintains much of that attitude in the modern era. The Ethakkra that settle here tend to be pensive and harsh and combat is seen as an art. Many of the greatest gladiators to ever fight in the Ethakkran arenas have originated from this fortress, raised in sparse, strict conditions and brought up in a culture of conflict.

Populace: 80,000

Composition: 99% Ethakkra, 1% Utwesh

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Weapons, Armor

Exports: Goda Spore, Fish, Gladiators, Soldiers, Officers, Strategists, Slayers


This city, situated on one side by a mountain and one side by a desert, is one of the most prolific crafts cities in all of the Ethakkran lands. A fortress in the great sprawling plains with ten-story walls, it is home to a bustling city-life. And, although there is much wealth here, it is set behind heavy walls inside of the fortress, the peasant masses living in squalor below. It is a city of two worlds; one above in the ascending stories of middle and noble born establishments and one below, steeped in competition and crime, of druglords and mercenaries. 

Populace: 120,000

Composition: 78% Ethakkra, 18% Utwesh, 2% Kalnis, 2% Humans

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Elixir 

Exports: Sand, Glass, Ore, Minerals, Weapons, Armor, Lumber, Alcohol, Goda Spore, Fineries, Clothing, Wine


The capital of the Ethakkran empire and the home of immaculate architecture and a storied history. This is where most of the higher members of the King’s cabinet sit and where the military leadership issues orders. Only the wealthiest merchants are able to settle in the city walls, selling items of great splendor. The buildings are all gilded in bronze and decorated richly. Meanwhile, the few poor live in slums outside of the main fortress where squat city walls expose them to terrible conditions. The populace, rich and poor alike, spend their evenings watching the gladiatorial games. Once every year there is a competition between Quein’Malanthas and Korrid’Malanthas, called Tchork, wherein they pit their best gladiators against one another.

Populace: 620,000

Composition: 98% Ethakkra, 2% Utwesh

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Soldiers, Officers

Exports: Goda Spore, Fineries, Wine


The vast tiered City set on a great fork of the Malanthen river, the southern fork becoming the Mala river (lake mala). The city while wealthy from the passing trade too and from the Lazvarian continent, is rife with corruption. The Ethakran in this city take great joy in cheating the foolish travelers looking for fairness in their shrewd world, though some foreigners have learned how to live in this debased state. 

Populace: 60,000

Composition: 94% Ethakkra, 1% Utwesh, 5% Human, 

Wealth: Wealthy, Stratified

Imports: Slaves, Steel, Salt, Rare and Common Ore’s,

Exports: Goda Spore, River Barges, 


A long walled city built on the shore of the calm Mala river, the lake upstream taking much of the power from the river, making the white stone city surrounded by forest quite peaceful, what comes as a strange site in Ethakran lands the people of this city enjoy art and music, decency is ever more common on the Mala River and this is do to the quality of life being better, far from the Kazein front and having small military presence.  They hold an event whereby an ethakran youth must venture into the wild and collect a rare herbs used in ritual, a rite of passage that displays well this cities strong cultural ties to the Utwesh ways of old.  

Populace: 120,000

Composition: 83% Ethakkra, 6% Utwesh, 11% Human

Wealth: Stratified

Imports: Wine, Books, Parchment, Fineries, Salt, 

Exports: Goda Spore


A great and sprawling port city, the largest in the world. Loading piers and dry docks dominate the waterfront for miles, the overwhelming stench of the enumerable beasts of burden used to maneuver the goods that are constantly ebbing and flowing from this city hangs in the air surrounding like a foul fog. Although very little is manufactured here, this is the last stop of many merchants who travel to the continent, a place where you can buy or sell anything. Sagato is also home to many of the most powerful banks and advisors’ guilds on Earth. Many great scholars and artists also hail from here, often viewed as a place of vast opportunity for creatives of all kinds, some even finding a patron in the wealthy nobles that this city houses.

Populace: 420,000

Composition: 69% Ethakkra, 4% Utwesh, 27% Human

Wealth: Rich

Imports: Everything

Exports: Everything 

Region 10: The Torrid Expanses


Numa is a remote city established long ago by one of the oldest castes of mages when the Utwesh fled Ethakkran society and found an oasis in the Torrid Expanses. They have now formed a society wherein mages are fully integrated as workers, leaders, and members of society. Although Numa is in a miserable region, it is made livable by the usage of mages and the even distribution of materials to those who need them. It is a highly religious city, wherein everyone, even those who are not magic adepts, worship the elements and give due respect to the balance of all things.

Populace: 23,200

Composition: 100% Utwesh

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: None

Exports: None

Region 12: Faydorn Frontier


Small Famulus settlement responsible for harvesting most of the Famulus food.

Populace: 2000

Composition: 100% Famulus

Wealth: Poor


Exports: Food

Region 13: Faydorn Frontier Plains


Small dock town supplying travelers for their journey north up the coast.

Populace: 5000

Composition: 100% Famulus

Wealth: Poor




Port down responsible for all trade with the Utwesh.

Populace: 25,000

Composition: 99% Famulus, 1% Utwesh

Wealth: Moderate




Small dock town.

Populace: 2500

Composition: 100% Famulus

Wealth: Poor

Imports: None

Exports: None

Sorion Falls

Famulus port city in harsh mountainous pass. Produces the majority of all mining materials.

Populace: 60,000

Composition: 100% Famulus

Wealth: Poor

Imports: None

Exports: None

Region 27: The Brak

Beneath the human continent, a sprawling cavernous metropolis lies, representing the home of untold multitudes. In the spanning caverns where they have made their cities they have established a near-utopia, fueled by steam technology and flat democratic structures. There is no leadership without accountability and crime is almost non-existent. These cities are purposely hidden from the outside world, although they are beginning to be discovered by the lords in Farhaven, who regard them with suspicion and mild hostility.

The Brak is split up into several Wards. Each Ward acting something like a city, each with its own series of nested democratic bodies called Caucuses. In order to make societal decisions, the Caucuses dispute, discuss, and then vote on measures. They must reach near unanimity to pass a measure. These decisions are then handed up to the level of the Ward where Sarkin that have been delegated by the caucuses carry out their decisions and coordinate with other Wards. There is no lordship in the Brak. All citizens are considered equal.

In the following section, we will lay out the Wards of the Brak autonomy:


The newest and the most advanced of all Sarkin wards. This area was built with the highest conceptions of Sarkin engineering and organization in mind. Barus was built after steam technology had already been discovered and thus the entire city was integrated with steam vessels and complex railways. Having been conceived as the furthest refuge from human imperial expansion, this city is an underground fortress. 


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


The only above ground port of the Sarkin autonomy. Although Lusk is technically a part of the Barus Ward, it is such a significant area that it is often given a special consideration.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


The most extensive mineral extraction colony on the planet.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


Sporia is a legendary Ward where much of the modern culture of the Sarkin came into being and the full solidification of their council system was conceived and enacted.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


Urgst was created during the period of active conflict with the encroaching humans centuries ago and is thus the home of the most lasting warrior tradition. In Urgst, the martial ways are still studied and show fights are a common form of entertainment.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


Orgum was the first of the major city projects after the Sarkin had gotten on their feet. Orgum was meant to bring a new era for the Sarkin.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


Desid is one of the oldest Wards in the Brak, an agricultural hub meant to produce food for the Sarkin people. Even to this day it remains the main supplier of nutrients to the Brak.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.


The first Sarkin city built in the Dark Days of Retreat. Although Pavin is not an extravagant city, it is fully sufficient to support a diverse and bustling culture. Because it is so old, it is most influenced by the Sarkin society when it was once above ground.


Composition: 100% Sarkin

Wealth: Egalitarian

Imports: What this settlement imports from other settlements.

Exports: What this settlement exports to other settlements.